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Wissenschaftliche Literatur organizational structure

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A Business Communication Design for Information Technology (IT) Organizations based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) (Dissertation)Zum Shop

A Business Communication Design for Information Technology (IT) Organizations based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Studien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik

The main objective of this research project is to evaluate the extent to which business communication could contribute to an effective IT service management. In addition, this project intends to clarify the entire role of business communication in terms of organizing the information technology into the value chain of IT service providers. Two research questions are derived from the research model which predicts the intervention of business communication in the relationship between predictor and outcome variables of an IT organization. [...]

Business CommunicationInformation ManagementIT Asset ManagementITILIT Infrastructure ManagementIT OrganisationIT Service ManagmentIT Service OperationSOAStakeholder Management
Expert Modeling of Athlete Sport Performance Systems (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Expert Modeling of Athlete Sport Performance Systems

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft

The development of a competitive sports culture is impossible without the appropriate organizationalstructures. Successful development of organizational sports culture depends on the successful fulfilment of roles by numerous individuals within its structure. An important value of competitive sport is of course competitiveness which is understood, in the broadest sense of the word, as that particular element which should generally lead to the highest possible quality of competitive sports and particularly its humane and ethical meaningfulness. Athletes play or should…

Athlete PerformanceAthlete PreparationCompetitive SportExpert ModelingExpert SystemSport ManagerSports ActivitySportwissenschaft
Impact of Incentives and Working Conditions on Performance and Satisfaction (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Impact of Incentives and Working Conditions on Performance and Satisfaction


Since the first workers were engaged by organizations and, work moved beyond a sole owner, incentives, organizationalstructures, and their impacts on employees have been crucial topics. This subject area has continued to be of interest as work environments and work organizations continue to change; in modern times, the effects of globalization on working conditions have been remarkable. Globalization, together with cost pressures and demands for efficiency to ensure competitiveness, demands highly flexible, motivated employees. These employees often face longer working…

AnreizeArbeitszeitArbeitszeit-ArrangementsEigentümerstrukturExperimentFixlohnPerformanceÜberstundenVariabler LohnVertragswahlWork-Life-BalanceZufriedenheit