Wissenschaftliche Literatur Neue Themen
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Marek Krawiec / Ferit Kılıçkaya / Gabriel Sánchez-Sánchez / Erik Castello (eds.)
New Themes and Dimensions in Applied Linguistics
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
The volume New Themes and Dimensions in Applied Linguistics is a collection of articles written by scholars from different academic centres in the world who are interested in applied linguistic studies. In a novel and innovative way, it presents and discusses problems relevant to applied linguistics and emphasizes the important role which language-related practices and research play in such areas of human activity as foreign language learning and teaching and translation. The contributors to this volume and the notions which they deal with in their texts are as…
Angewandte LinguistikFremdsprachen Lehren und LernenFremdsprachenunterrichtNeue DimensionenNeue ThemenÜbersetzungRenate Hansen-Kokoruš (Ed.)
Facing the Present: Transition in Post-Yugoslavia
The Artists‘ View
The book presents contributions of the international conference „Facing the Present: Transition in Post-Yugoslavia – The Artists’ View”, which took place in Graz, March 21–22 2014. It combines artists from the region who work in the fields of literature, film and theater with academics who research Balkan topics in the fields of literature, film, politics and anthropology. It brings into focus how arts and artists reflect transition and how the arts are reflected in academic works. Subjects are: War and its representation in the arts; Old/new topics in post-Yugoslav…
FilmwissenschaftGeschlechterrollenGrenzenIdeologiekritikKriegsverarbeitungKulturwissenschaftKunstkritikNeue ThemenPOSA-JugoslawienPostjugoslawischer FilmSüdslawische LiteraturenSüdslawisches DramaSüdslawistikTransitionHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet