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Wissenschaftliche LiteraturMatrimonial Property Law

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Equal Right to Property for Women under International Human Rights Law (Doktorarbeit)

Equal Right to Property for Women under International Human Rights Law

An Analysis of the Legal Protection in Kenya

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft

The study is inspired by the general situation of women with regard to property and particularly land in Kenya. To date, discrimination and inequality with regard to property and land in particular continue to be pervasive whereby the disparity of ownership of land between men and women stands at Seventy Five percent. [...]

African CustomsAfrikanische BräucheDiscriminationDiskriminierungEqualityFrauenrechteGleichheitGüterstandHuman rightsIntersectionalismIntersektionalitätKeniaKenyaLawLegal pluralismMatrimonial propertyMenschenrechteNachfolgeRecht auf EigentumRechtspluralismusRechtswissenschaftRight to propertySuccessionWomen‘s rights