Wissenschaftliche Literatur Literature
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Sayed Haschmatullah Hossaini
Die Erzählprosa der Dari-Literatur in Afghanistan 1900 – 1978
POETICA – Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft
Im multinationalen Afghanistan haben sich in den Sprachen Dari (afghanisches Persisch) und Pashto zwei Literaturen herausgebildet, die jeweils auf eine gewisse Tradition zurückblicken können. In diesem Werk wird ein Abschnitt der Dari-Literatur behandelt, der die gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Entwicklung des Landes widerspiegelt. Während in der Vergangenheit die Poesie eine größere Rolle spielte, hat sich seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts auch eine Prosa herausgebildet,…
AfghanistanDariGesellschaftliche Entwicklung AfghanistansLiterarische Entwicklung AfghanistansLiteraturgeschichteLiteraturwissenschaftModerne Dari-LiteraturProsaUnabhängigkeit AfghanistansAnne Scheller
Bezeichnungen für die christliche Gottheit im Altenglischen
Die heidnischen Angelsachsen wurden ab dem Jahr 597 von römischen Missionaren christianisiert. Ihren neuen Gott bezeichneten sie schon bald mit dryhten ‘Herr’, heofoncyning ‘Himmelskönig’, edgyldend ‘Vergelter’ oder einem von etwa 250 weiteren Wörtern. Die meisten dieser Bezeichnungen Gottes wurden mit altenglischen Mitteln, nicht mit lateinischen Lehnwörtern ausgedrückt. Das indirekte Lehngut für Gott, Jesus Christus und den Heiligen Geist –…
AltenglischAltsächsischAngelsachsenAnglistikChristianisierungDichtungGeschichteGlossenGottHeilKulturtransferLehnbedeutungLehnbildungLehnwortMediävistikMittelalterSprachwissenschaftWortschatzAndreas Graichen
Is Fairtrade Labeling Fair?
A Welfare Analysis
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The discussion about the effectiveness of fairtrade labeling in terms of economic efficiency and as a measure for alleviating poverty goes on since several years. While the fairtrade movement claims that it is necessary to pay a „fair“ price to the producers to allow them to live a decent life, free-market apologists argue that that fairtrade is not really fair but principally makes non-fairtrade producers poorer. Moreover it is stated that fairtrade is an inefficient way…
Bertrand CompetitionBertrand WettbewerbCoffeeDuopolyEntwicklungsländerFairer HandelFairtradeKaffeeKleinproduzentenMindestpreiseMonopsonmachtOligopolVolkswirtschaftslehreWarm GlowWelfareManuel Lérida
A Bicultural Management Model for Internationalising SMEs
Using the Example of 2nd Generation Spanish Specialists in Germany
Objective of this book is to demonstrate a new strategic approach; the use of 2nd generation bicultural experts as competitive advantage for internationalising SMEs. The approach described in this book is, on one hand, based on the example of 2nd generation Spanish experts in Germany and on the other hand, concentrates on the example of Spanish small and medium sized enterprises, which want to expand their businesses into the German markets. [...]
2nd generation migrantsBetriebswirtschaftslehreBicultural expertsBiculturalismIntercultural CompetenceInternational businessInternationales ManagementInternationalisation strategyInternationalisierungStrategisches ManagementJens Barthel
Essays on Environmental Policy in Dynamic Models
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The book is about special problems arising if environmental policy is evaluated in a dynamic context. Following an abridgment on the literature in the relevant field we examine three different areas: First, the impact of the elasticity of substitution is discussed. In contrast to previous studies we look at utility functions of Leontief, CES and Cobb-Douglas type more precisely. It turns out that especially the dynamic behavior of our model depends strongly on the actual…
Dynamische ModelleFinanzwirtschaftPräferenzänderungenProduktivitätsschocksSubstitutionselastizitätUmweltökonomieUmweltpolitische InstrumenteVolkswirtschaftslehreThorsten Heimann
The Labour Income Risk Associated with the Occupational Choice
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The value of human capital critically depends on two factors: the person's skills and the economic environment, both of which are exposed to a substantial risk of future deterioration. In particular, changes in the economic environment are uninsurable. An individual takes the risk that, after having made substantial human capital investments in an occupation, the overall earnings level in that occupation performs significantly worse than in others. This decline in…
ArbeitseinkommenBerufeBerufswechselDiffusionsprozessEinkommenEinkommensmodellEinkommensrisikoHazardIABPaneldatenRisikoSimulationVolkswirtschaftslehreZeitstetigNiklas Lampenius
Decision Making in Financial Markets
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Model Utilizing a Multi-Agent-Multi-Period Stock Market Simulation
This work extends the discussion on artificial markets research using a novel approach to model decision making in financial markets. The topic is motivated through a thorough overview on economic and behavioral decision making as well as a review of the stock market simulation literature. A decision making model including various behavioral components is thereafter presented and the model is validated utilizing a multi-agent-multi-period stock market simulation. The…
Agent based simulationBehavioral financeBetriebswirtschaftslehreDecision-MakingFinancial marketsFinanzmanagementIndividual decision makingStock market simulationXiaojun Wei
EU Foreign Direct Investments to China
Locational Determinants and Lessons from an Enlarged European Union
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The main research question of this dissertation relates to the spatial characteristics and location choice of EU FDI to China in the context of an EU that has enlarged recently to incorporate ten new countries with levels of development comparable to some of the Chinese provinces. In the first place, a dataset of EU FDI inflows at provincial level is created based on the annual provincial statistical yearbooks, and a pioneering econometric study on the spatial…
CEECsChinaDirect InvestmentsEUEuropean UnionFDIFDI DeflectionLocational DeterminantsVolkswirtschaftslehreSamuel Grossenbacher
Inside the Mind of Decision Makers
Antecedents and Consequences of Managers‘ Mental Models
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Managers apply simplified representations of reality to make sense of their complex environment. These so called mental models influence decision-making and performance in organizations. In this study, the author discusses the theoretical foundations of mental models. Furthermore, a literature review of antecedents and consequences of individual managers’ mental models is provided. The literature review and the findings of three empirical studies shed light on the…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreDecision-MakingDecision MakerMarketingMental ModelsRepertory Grid TechniqueSales ForceStrategic Decision MakingStrategic ManagementJavier Perez-Freije
Design of Organizational Controls for Managing Innovation
Implications for Firms in High-Velocity Environments
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Managing innovation is crucial for firm success in high-velocity environments. Although the primary emphasis of R&D professional literature has been on formalizing development activities, this book defines a control concept for the fuzzy front-end of the innovation process, which is characterized by higher levels of ambiguity and uncertainty that in turn diminish administrative information, or firms‘ knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships and outputs. [...]
BetriebswirtschaftslehreFuzzy Front-EndHigh-Velocity EnvironmentInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovationscontrollingInnovationsmanagementInnovationsprozessOrganizational Controls