Wissenschaftliche Literatur Literature
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Lutz Firnkorn
Influence of Industry Environment on Firms‘ Characteristics
An Empirical Review of the Determinants of Cash Holding, Leverage, Investment, and Return
This study reviews the connection between a firm‘s financing decisions and the industry environment; i.e., the industry structure as well as product market competition. According to existing research, firms should prepare themselves to maintain an investment capacity particularly in concentrated, growing, and volatile industry settings, where investments are uncertain or can have a strategic value. These required adaptations to the industry environment should furthermore…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreCapital StudiesCash HoldingCashmanagementIndustrial economicKapitalstrukturProduct Market CompetitionRisk ManagementUnternehmensfinanzierungWettbewerbsinteraktionSimone Sesboüé
Stressor – Strain – Job Performance Relationships
The Central Role of Emotional Exhaustion in Sales and Customer Service Professions
Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie
Sales and customer service employees, due to their constant and direct customer contact, are particularly prone to experience emotional exhaustion. While an extensive body of literature on emotional exhaustion exists in human service occupations, very limited research attention has been directed to employees in sales and customer service professions concerning the emotional exhaustion dimension. In this study, the author seeks to investigate the crucial role of emotional…
ArbeitsklimaBetriebswirtschaftslehreBurnoutEmotionale ErschöpfungModerated MediationPersönlichkeitPsychologieSalesperformanceBurcu Erdogan
Analyzing Convergence/Divergence in European Financial Markets
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The European Union implemented significant financial reforms in order to facilitate financial integration since the beginning of the 1980s. With the introduction of the euro, the process of integrating financial markets accelerated. All the restructuring efforts reflect an expectation of positive effects from a single financial market in the European Union. However, an interconnected financial system creates challenges as well. It is crucial to investigate the process of…
Convergence / Divergence AnalysisEUFactor ModelFinancial IntegrationFinanzmärkteSemiparametric Time-Varying Coefficient ModelSovereign Bond MarketsStock MarketsT-ConvergenceVolkswirtschaftslehreHui Ji
The Impact of Culture on Preferences for E-learning Systems in Higher Education
A Comparison between China and Germany
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
As an international student in Germany, the author is part of a large community: more students than ever decide to study abroad. However, learning orientation and cultural adaptation issues are unavoidably associated with study abroad. An important option to address the problems is e-learning.
The present study verifies the German and Chinese students? cultural standards, teaching/learning cultures, and preferences for e-learning systems documented in the…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreCausal relations between cultural standards and preferencesChinaComparison of German and Chinese cultural standardsComparison of German and Chinese teaching / learning culturesCultural standardsE-LearningE-learning systems in higher educationFocus groupsGermanyLearning cultureQuestionnaire surveyStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellStudent‘s preferences for e-learning systemsTeaching cultureHenrike Comes-Koch
Mixed Utterances in the Speech of German-English Bilingual Infants
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
This book provides a detailed linguistic analysis of the mixed utterances produced by two German English bilingual children in their third and fourth year of life.
Starting with a critical review of the relevant questions currently discussed with respect to language mixing in bilingual first language acquisition, this book addresses issues such as the form and the function of mixed utterances in bilingual children’s speech (in comparison to bilingual adults’…
BilinugallismLanguage AcquisitionLanguage MixingLinguistikSpracherwerbSprachmischungenSprachwissenschaftZweisprachigkeitLihua Jiang
How Far Can a Community Interpreter Go?
Discourse Interpreting Filters
TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft
While conference interpreting has developed as a fairly well-established discipline in terms of concepts and methods, interpreter-mediated interpreting, so-called community interpreting is still a neglected research topic despite its growing importance and recognition. Sociological communication problems associated with the interpreter’s presence and actions have come into the focus of discussion, leading to such opposing views of the interpreter as a verbatim’ reproducer…
Coherence FilterCommunity InterpretingDiscourse AnalysisDiscourse Interpreting FiltersInterpreter‘s RoleIsotopic Continuity FilterSprachwissenschaftMichael Windmann
Statistische Beratung
QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis
Beratung ist ein uraltes Phänomen der menschlichen Interaktion. Sie stellt damit einen wichtigen Bestandteil des Zusammenlebens von Menschen dar. In der heutigen Zeit ist Beratung aus dem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. So findet man Beratung beispielsweise in der Politik wieder, wo ein Beraterstab allein aufgrund der Komplexität der Gesetzgebung notwendig ist. Strategische Entscheidungen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen werden immer häufiger mit Hilfe von externen…
BeratungBetriebswirtschaftslehreBuchempfehlungenConsultingEnergiebedarfsprognoseStatistical ConsultingUmfrageUnternehmensberatungWassertemperaturprognoseChristian Hermelingmeier
Decisions under Imperfect Information
The Ordering of Information Structures and Production under Endogenous Uncertainty
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Almost all economic activity takes place under uncertainty. The randomness may, for instance, relate to risky stock market returns, fluctuating exchange rates or uncertain product innovations. The major source of uncertainty in decision making is the limited and imperfect knowledge of the decision maker at that given point in time. The exposure to uncertainty depends therefore inherently on the available information about the distribution of the existing risks. In…
BlackwellClassification CriterionEndogenes RisikoEndogenous RiskEntscheidung unter UnsicherheitFaktorpreisunsicherheitInformation ContentInformationsgehaltInformationsökonomikInformationsstrukturInformationssystemInformation StructureInternationaler HandelOrdnungskriteriumProduktion unter UnsicherheitTradeTransparencyTransparenzUncertain Factor PricesUncertaintyUngewissheitUnsicherheitValue of InformationVolkswirtschaftslehreWert von InformationWirtschaftstheorieNicole Franziska Richter
Internationalisation and Firm Performance
An Empirical Analysis of German Manufacturing Firms
The internationalisation and performance relation is subject to a controversial discussion: rationales and empirical results range from a linear positive or negative link to different curvilinear models – a conflict resolved in this paper. First, this book offers a comprehensive review of international business theory and past research. Moreover, concepts for operationalising internationalisation are thoroughly evaluated and improved with respect to measuring different…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreFixed-Effects EstimationGlobalisierungInternationales ManagementInternationalisierungInternationalisierungsprozessInternationalisierungsstrategienPaneldatenanalyseRandom-Effects EstimationRegionalisierungUnternehmenserfolgSandra Linke
A New Dynamic Model of Creativity
Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie
This book provides a clear, readable, informative, up-to-date and timely introduction to this field of knowledge and traces the history of the conception of creativity. It provides an in-depth literature review, offers a new dimension to the contemporary debates about the role of the creative process in the creation of new knowledge and products and gives thought-provoking insights on concepts, theoretical principles, models, processes, implications, and research…
Aha-EffektCsikszentmihalyiGedankenGnilfordIdeenfindungJoy Paul GuilfordKreative PersönlichkeitKreativitätKreativitätsdefinitionKreativitätsgeschichteKunstMihaly CsikszentmihalyiModellbildungPädagogikPsychologieWissensbasis