Wissenschaftliche Literatur Knowledge Transfer
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Sebastian Möbus
Social Networks and the Organizational KnowledgeTransfer Process
Relational and Structural Effects on the Micro-Phase of Knowledge Acquisition
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The capability to effectively transfer and leverage knowledge from all kinds of resources has become one of the important sources of competitive advantage, innovativeness, and sustained firm performance. Prior research has shown that the internal social networks of a firm contribute to the transfer of knowledge. The knowledgetransfer process, however, has not been consistently defined, but is strongly related to both the organizational learning processes and the…
Absorptive CapacityKnowledgeKnowledge AcquisitionKnowledge LossKnowledge StaringKnowledge TransferOrganisational LearningSocial Networks
Timm Wutzler
Open Innovation and Knowledge Management in Large Corporations
Organizational Antecedents and Performance Effects
This book consists of four individual studies that shed light on the interplay of innovation and knowledge management issues. With the proliferation of the open innovation paradigm and against the backdrop of increasing external knowledgetransfer activities, knowledge management today is of cardinal importance for innovation and firm performance. However, knowledge management is no longer a pure intra-organizational activity. Instead, it constitutes a vital interface…
Case StudyConfigurationCoordinationInnovationInnovationsmanagementKnowledge ManagementKnowledge TransferMeta-AnalysisOpen Innovation
Lefteris Topaloglou / Eike Albrecht / Steven Kramm / Niyanta Shetye (Ed.)
Pursuing Societal Transformation in Coal Mining Regions through Education and KnowledgeTransfer
Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis
This volume is the outcome of a scientific workshop on Pursuing Societal Transformation through Education and KnowledgeTransfer in Kozani. The workshop was carried out in December 2022 in the framework of a cooperation project financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The project brought together Brandenburg University of Cottbus – Senftenberg (BTU), Germany, and the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM), Kozani, northern Greece. [...]
EnergiewendeGerechter ÜbergangJust TransitionKohleKohleausstiegÖkologische WendeRegionalstudienStruktureller WandelUmweltrecht
Julia Teichmann
Organisationsstrukturen und Wissenstransfer bei Lösungsanbietern
Unter dem Schlagwort Solution Selling wird der Verkauf maßgeschneiderter Angebote mit Problemlösungscharakter als die Zukunftsstrategie gefeiert. Doch lassen sich derart individuelle Angebote auch innerhalb gewachsener Strukturen des deutschen Mittelstands realisieren? Wie können und müssen Vertrieb und Technik zusammenarbeiten und Wissen teilen, um die neuen Anforderungen zu erfüllen? Erfordern verschiedene Positionierungen als Lösungsanbieter spezifische…
Knowledge TransferLösungsanbieterLösungsverkaufLösungsvertriebMarketingOrganisationsstrukturenProblemlösungSolution SellingVertriebsstrukturWissensmanagementWissenstransfer
Leyla Aydemir (ed.)
Migration, Politics, Violence and Women‘s Studies
SOCIALIA – Studienreihe soziologische Forschungsergebnisse
The development of science, research and technology depends on international knowledgetransfer. Because of that, the studies that technical and natural sciences have done in collaboration with social and human sciences are inevitable in order to find solutions to the current social problems and to meet the expected needs.
Current social questions can no longer be resolved solely with the work of natural sciences, but they also need research in the social and…
Europäische UnionEuropean UnionFlüchtlingsbewegungenGenderstudienGewaltforschungImmigrationMehrsprachigkeitMigrationMulticulturalismMultikulturalitätMultilingualismRefugee StudiesSocial GenderViolence Studies