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Wissenschaftliche Literatur klimaklagen

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Can You Sue Away Climate Change? (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Can You Sue Away Climate Change?

An Examination of the Potential of Climate Change Litigation to Fill Gaps in the Global Governance for GHG Emissions Reductions

Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis

Climate change litigation has been on the rise in recent years and the number of cases keeps increasing. Accordingly, a diverse – and partly heated - discussion has emerged in the legal literature: some argue that it could help fix the legal framework where political consent is lacking to enact respective laws or negotiate respective treaties, while others point to alleged limitations, such as the competences of courts in the different legal systems and the idea of separation of powers. Hence, this book examines what climate change litigation can really contribute to…

GewaltenteilungInternationales RechtKlimaklagenKlimaschutzgesetzKlimawandelMenschenrechteStaatssouveränitätUmweltrecht