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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Identity

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A Prototype of Borderline Personality Organization (Dissertation)Zum Shop

A Prototype of Borderline Personality Organization

Assessed by the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO)

Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse

The diagnosis of personality disorders is a challenging task for clinicians and researchers, as the appropriate treatment depends to a large degree on a well-founded diagnosis. Examined in this study is the classification of personality pathology according to Otto Kernberg’s psychoanalytic theory of personality organization, which proposes a dimensional model and classifies personality according to levels of psychic structure. The Structured Interview of Personality…

BorderlineDiagnosisDiagnostikDissertationOtto KernbergPersönlichkeitsorganisationPersönlichkeitsstörungenPersonality DisordersPersonality OrganizationPsychologiePsychologyPsychotherapiePsychotherapySTIPO
American Literary Nationalism in the Early Republic (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

American Literary Nationalism in the Early Republic

Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik

What is an American? How is he different from an Englishman? What essential difference between the two merits a war for American independence – or should the American colonies continue as colonies of the British crown? Ever since the onset of the revolution, such questions abounded in America, and they did not cease to be asked when military victory had been won. The newly-founded republic needed a cultural foundation to prove its right to exist. Literature turned out to…

Amerikanische GeschichteAmerikanistikFrühe Amerikanische RepublikIdeologieLiteraturkritikLiteraturwissenschaftNationalismusPolitik
International Customer Behaviour and Retailing Research (Sammelband)Zum Shop

International Customer Behaviour and Retailing Research

2nd CIRCLE Conference Proceedings

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten

New trends in consumer behaviour triggered by international macro-environmental changes are indispensable sources for internationalisation strategies of global, multinational and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Young researchers formed an international network and presented their findings on a variety of topics and industries on the 2nd CIRCLE conference hosted by the Institute of Entrepreneurship of the University of Applied Sciences Liechtenstein.…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreBrandingKonsumentenKonsumentenverhaltenMarkenMarketingRetailingSozialer WandelWirtschaftswissenschaft
Nationality - Identity - Education (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Nationality - Identity - Education

Nationalität - Identität - Erziehung

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft

Diese Aufsatzsammlung ist das Produkt einer ungewöhnlichen Partnerschaft zwischen zwei Hochschulen: der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg und des Beit Berl Colleges in Israel. Ein reger Austausch von Hochschulmitgliedern und verschiedene Konferenzen fanden in einem Zeitraum von acht Jahren statt.

Sie trugen zu der Erforschung von nationaler Identität sowohl in europäischer Umgebung als auch in der des mittleren Ostens bei. Zunächst sollte die Geschichte von…

Deutsch-israelische BeziehungFrauInterkulturelle ErziehungIsraelKulturwissenschaftNationale IdentitätPersönliche IdentitätReligionVölkerverständigung
Edward Bulwer-Lytton‘s England and the English (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Edward Bulwer-Lytton‘s England and the English

A Description of England in the ‘Age of Reform‘

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

If today Edward Bulwer-Lytton is largely remembered „as one of the dullest and most serious of Victorians“, in the nineteenth century he had been one of the most popular writers. This study discusses Bulwer’s England and the English which was published in 1833. One year prior to the book’s publication the first parliamentary Reform Act had been passed, marking the beginning of what many historians have described as the ‘Age of Reform‘. Bulwer had considered the…

BiographischesEnglandEnglische AristokratieEnglische Parlamentsreform 1832Genre der ‘Description of England‘Nationale Identität und AutostereotypeReformerSprachwissenschaftZeitgeist im England des frühen 19. Jh.