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Wissenschaftliche LiteraturGleichberechtigungPädagogik

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Knowledge, values, equity: Contemporary tendencies in education (Forschungsarbeit)

Knowledge, values, equity: Contemporary tendencies in education

Schriften zur Pädagogischen Theorie

This book addresses three main topics: the first one relates to the issue of values in education; the second one regards the role and importance of knowledge in education; and the third one examines the attitudes towards deep reading as this is one of the fundamental processes on which the achievement of any long-term educational goal depends. [...]

AusschlussBildungswesenEducationEqualityErziehungswissenschaftExclusionGleichberechtigungHuman RightsKnowledgeLesenMenschenrechteMoralMoralityOverburdeningPädagogikPedagogicsReadingÜberlastungWissen