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Wissenschaftliche LiteraturGermanyPsychologie

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Emotion Management Experiences of Korean Nursing Workers in Germany (Dissertation)

Emotion Management Experiences of Korean Nursing Workers in Germany

Emotional Labor, Emotion Work and Global Women

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie

Emotion management as emotion work is closely related to emotive experiences in an emotion system. In each emotion system, feeling rules and display rules are differently revealed depending on the social and cultural environment and the occupational and organizational environment. As emotion management sold for the wage, emotional labor refers to a worker’s…

ArbeitsmigrationDeutschlandEmotionsmanagementEmotionsregulationGefühlskontrolleGermanyHochschildKoreanerMarxNursing WorkerPsychologieTransnational Labor Migration