Wissenschaftliche Literatur Fire Protection
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Bernard Wiśniewski, Gerald G. Sander & Paweł Kobes (eds.)
Security – Threats, Law and Organization
Schriften zu Mittel- und Osteuropa in der Europäischen Integration
Security research shows the relationship between security and threats on the one hand and the law and organization on the other. In the context of relationships with the law, the point is primarily to determine whether and to what extent legal regulations allow authorities to counteract threats.
This becomes particularly evident when public safety is threatened, especially with regard to the devastating effects of forces of nature and the development of civilization. Extraordinary threats to people and environment belong to the category of hazards that cannot…
BrandschutzCultural PropertyFire BrigadesFire ProtectionFire SafetyGroßschadensereignisHochwasserschutzKatastrophenschutzKulturgüterschutzNatural DisastersNatural HazardsNaturkatastrophenÖffentliche SicherheitPolice LawPolitikwissenschaftPolizeirechtPublic SafetyRechtswissenschaftSecurity LawSicherheitsrechtSozialwissenschaftTerroristische BedrohungTerrorist Threat
Bernard Wiśniewski, Gerald G. Sander, Paweł Kobes (eds.)
Management Contexts in Security Institutions
Schriften zu Mittel- und Osteuropa in der Europäischen Integration
This publication is an attempt to depict major problems regarding management of institutions in charge of public security. The study takes into account aspects such as civil protection, safety of population in emergency situations and crisis management. Security-related research reaches strategic significance when it sets the course of actions, is future-related, expresses the needs and challenges and is accomplishable. [...]
Civil ProtectionCrisis ManagementCyberangriffeCyberattacksCyberbedrohungenCyberconflictCybersicherheitDigitalisierungFire ProtectionFlüchtlingskriseHackerJugendkriminalitätJuvenile CrimeKrisenmanagementLandesverteidigungMigrant CrisisNational DefenceNationale SicherheitÖffentliche SicherheitPolice LawsPolizeirechtPublic SafetySchengen AgreementSecurity InstitutionsSicherheitsrisikenZivilschutzHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Politikwissenschaft