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Wissenschaftliche LiteraturFamilyTheologie & Religion

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Marriage and Adultery in the Old Testament (Forschungsarbeit)

Marriage and Adultery in the Old Testament

An Igbo-African Contextual Reading

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

This book not only provides an in-depth understanding of family, marriage and adultery in the Old Testament and the implications thereof for contemporary Igbo-African society, but also demonstrates convincingly the vital role of the Bible in Africa as a resource for social and ethical transformation. [...]

AdulteryAfricaAfrikaAltes TestamentBibelstudienBible StudiesDivorceEheEhebruchEthikFamilieFamilyIgboMarriageNarrative AnalyseNarrative analysisOld TestamentScheidungSexual ethicsSexualethik
The Family as Subject of Moral Education in the African Context (Doktorarbeit)

The Family as Subject of Moral Education in the African Context

Incarnating Christian Ethics among the Dagara of North-western Ghana

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

How can and should Christian ethics and morality be incarnated in the African moral universe and penetrate into the personal and social lives of African peoples, particularly among the Dagara of North-western Ghana? How does Christian ethics and morality relate to African ethics and morality with regard to moral education and development within the African family…

AfricaAfrikaChristian ethicsChristliche EthikEthikFamilieFamilyInculturationInkulturationMoral educationTheologie