Wissenschaftliche Literatur Effectiveness
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Joseph Gimunta Mahiri
Spatial Analysis of Solar Water Desinfection (SODIS) and Household Water Management in Slums
A Case Study of Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya
GEOGRAPHICA – Schriftenreihe Geowissenschaften und Geographie
Water is a basic need. But due to hydrological, climate, social and political reasons is not available everywhere in the same quantity and quality. According to the World Health Organisation report, approximately 1.1 Billion people, which represent 17% of the global population lack access to safe and adequate drinking water. Unsafe drinking water is one of the reason for high morbidity and mortality, especially of children and elderly people. Contamination of water very…
Bacteriological effectivenessDiarrhoeaDoptionGeographieHealth impactsKeniaKenyaNachhaltigkeitSODISSolar water disinfectionSustainabilityWasserversorgungGaoneng Yu
Towards More Reasonable and Effective Punishment Strategies for Bribery
A Comparative and Behavioral Study
Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis
This book is a remarkable interdisciplinary contribution to understanding corruption and in particular, to the meaning of criminal prevention. It impresses its reader by creatively combining a comparative law analysis of the criminal regulation of corruption with a behavioral economic interpretation of the different regulation models and an independently designed laboratory experiment which examines the effects of symmetric and asymmetric penalties on persons involved in…
AbschreckungAsymmetrieAsymmetryBehavioral lawBestechungBestrafungBriberyComparative lawCriminal lawDeterrenceEffectivenessGesetzgebungLegal comparisonLegislationLeniencyPunishmentRechtswissenschaftReciprocityRevenge-takingSelf-reportingStrafrechtStrategieStrategyTatiana Astapova
Case Study on Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Bankruptcy Proceeding and its European Affiliates
Cross-Border Cooperation Solutions
Schriftenreihe zum internationalen Einheitsrecht und zur Rechtsvergleichung
The main idea of this research, which is based on the case study of the Lehman Brothers Holdings Incorporated bankruptcy proceeding, is an examination to which extent the bankruptcy legislation, considering its protective function was effective and „resistant“ in the context of the distressed economy and what steps were undertaken to improve this effectiveness. This issue is especially relevant while talking about the default of financial conglomerates, so called “too big…
Amerikanisches InsolvenzrechtBankruptcyChapter 11Cross-border Insolveny ProtocolInsolvencyInsolvenzInternationales InsolvenzrechtLehman BrothersReorganization PlanIrmela Gorges (Ed.)
Global Perspectives on Sustainable Regional Development
Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung
The present volume is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, social scientists, civil servants, environmental protectionists, and individuals alike who are interested and working in the field of sustainable development. The volume is a compilation of mainly research results from economics covering seven areas of sustainable development: the political impact on sustainable societal and economic development, the relevance of an organized service sector,…
BarbadosEconomicsEducational ScienceGenderGlobalisierungInnovationMinimum WagePolandPolitical TransitionRegional InnovationSub-Saharan AfricaSustainable DevelopmentSustainable ManagementTransportationLulavere Dervishaj
The Delegitimization of the EULEX-Mission by the Kosovar Society
Schriften zur internationalen Politik
EULEX, the rule of law mission of the EU, is building „a neo-institutional society in Kosovo“. It advises the government and with ist executive mandate is establishing rule-of-law judicial, police and customs and excise institutions in the multi-ethnic society.
Difficulties of the transformation process are analyzed and the effectiveness of EULEX is discussed in terms of capacity and resources. Key actors voice their opinions in illustrative interviews.…
DelegitimizationEthnic ConflictEULEX-MissionKosovar SocietyNeo-Institutional SocietyPolitikwissenschaftSozialwissenschaftSymbolic PowerAndrzej Ancygier
Misfit of Interests instead of the “Goodness of Fit”?
Implementation of European Directives 2001/77/EC and 2009/28/EC in Poland
This book analyzes the implementation of the European renewable energy directives 2001/77/EC and 2009/28/EC in Poland. By providing a thorough analysis of the process of adoption of each of these directives in Brussels and its subsequent implementation in Poland, it explains the reasons for the lacking or delayed implementation of the European laws in the member countries. The discrepancy between the interests of the actors participating in the policy making process at…
Channels of InfluenceDirective 2001/77/ECDirective 2009/28/ECDiscrepancy of InterestsEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean IntegrationEuropeanizationEuropean LawsPolish Energy PolicyRenewable EnergyAndrea Hammermann
Not Just for the Money,
but What For?
An Experimental and Empirical Analysis of Immaterial, Tangible and Monetary Incentives
One of the great challenges in personnel economics is how to align employee’s best interest to that of the employer. The literature on incentive theory has up to now focused mostly on monetary incentives. Indeed, many facts speak in their favor. Money is storable, fungible, easily tradable, and mainly independent of the recipient’s preference because of its option value. But recent empirical findings suggest that monetary incentives, like piece rates, can backfire. The…
AnreizeArbeitsmotivationAuszeichnungenBehavioral EconomicsBetriebswirtschaftslehreEmpirieExperimentFavoritismFeedbackMotivationNichtmonetäre AnreizsystemePerformancePersonalökonomieStatusTeamWork MotivationAdam Bujak
Operational and Strategic Challenges for Wholesale Establishments on the Way to Sustained Competitive Advantage
Electronic Business gefährdet die Existenz vieler Großhandelsunternehmen. Die wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen auf diesem Gebiet beschäftigen sich überwiegend mit der transaktionskostenbasierten Umgehung des Großhandels. Die elektronische Geschäftsabwicklung als Chance nachhaltige Wettbewerbsvorteile zu generieren, steht für den Großhandel bis dato weniger im Blickpunkt.
Das Buch bietet einen theoriefundierten Beitrag zur Identifizierung und Entwicklung…
BetriebswirtschaftBetriebswirtschaftslehreE-BusinessElectronic BusinessElektronische GeschäftsabwicklungGroßhandelInformatikOperational EffectivenessStrategic PositioningStrategieStrategische PositionierungWettbewerbsvorteilThomas Czarnecki
Challenges and Strategies for the Service Industry
An Empirical Analysis of Risk-Reducing Signals – The Example of the Hotel Industry
MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management
Service providers, such as hotels, airlines, or car rental companies, face great challenges when marketing their services. With regard to service characteristics such as intangibility or perishability, customers face higher risk when purchasing services than they do with tangible products. The lack of physical evidence makes it difficult for customers to evaluate services before purchase, and thus assess the quality and the value of a service. Furthermore, since services…
Best-Rate GuaranteeBetriebswirtschaftslehreHedonic PricingHotel Online DistributionLow-Price GuaranteeMarketing-ManagementMatchingOnline-MarketingPrice PremiumRisk-Reducing SignalsService Brand EquityService PricingService ProvidersSignaling TheoryAndreas Graichen
Is Fairtrade Labeling Fair?
A Welfare Analysis
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The discussion about the effectiveness of fairtrade labeling in terms of economic efficiency and as a measure for alleviating poverty goes on since several years. While the fairtrade movement claims that it is necessary to pay a „fair“ price to the producers to allow them to live a decent life, free-market apologists argue that that fairtrade is not really fair but principally makes non-fairtrade producers poorer. Moreover it is stated that fairtrade is an inefficient way…
Bertrand CompetitionBertrand WettbewerbCoffeeDuopolyEntwicklungsländerFairer HandelFairtradeKaffeeKleinproduzentenMindestpreiseMonopsonmachtOligopolVolkswirtschaftslehreWarm GlowWelfare