Wissenschaftliche Literatur Education
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Urška Štremfel
A Decade After the Lisbon Strategy: Decisive for the Development of the EU and National Educational Space
For a long time, education had been a more or less neglected policy field in European integration. The Lisbon Strategy (2000) marked the turning point, when education was first recognised as important for the social and economic development of the European Union (EU). Since then, EU cooperation in the field has significantly widened and deepened. Following the implementation of two strategic frameworks for European cooperation in education and training (2000–2010,…
BildungErziehungswissenschaftEuropäischer BildungsraumEuropäische UnionEuropäisierungLissabon-StrategieNew modes of governanceOffene Methode der KoordinierungPolitikSlowenienRobert Celec (Ed.)
Education and Society in Transition
Addressing the Challenges of Youth and Technology
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph presents a collection of studies that examine different educational methods and their effects at different levels of education, from high schools to higher education institutions. Topics range from the implementation of coordination chemistry in high school curricula, emphasising the connection to the real world, to dealing with the digital divide between teachers and students.
The research highlights innovative teaching approaches such as the…
AusbildungBehandlungDigitalisierungGesundheitKarrierezieleMobilitätPhysische AktivitätInes Blažević / Mila Bulić / Jerneja Herzog (Eds.)
Research and Theoretical Approaches in Education
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
In this scientific monograph, current issues in education are presented both from the perspective of research and from the perspective of theoretical discussion. A special feature is that authors from different countries (Croatia, Norway, Serbia and Slovenia) highlight the same problems from the viewpoint of their own educational systems.
Educational reforms as well as the process of education are subjects of scientific research in pedagogy and related sciences…
BildungssystemeDigitalisierung in der BildungErziehungswissenschaftHöhere BildungUnterschiedliche BildungsniveausRobert Celec (Ed.)
Some current elements of health awareness through the prism of food, exercise and education
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph titled „Some Topical Elements of Health Awareness through the Prism of Nutrition, Exercise and Education“ connects several topical issues in the field of nutrition and exercise that are present today. These are explored by the authors, from their perspective, in the search for a better quality of life. In this respect, the authors take into account the fact that education and exercise represent the basis that enables an in-depth consideration of…
BewegungEducationErnährungErziehungFoodGesundheitHealthHealth awarenessMovementSatisfactionSurveyJerneja Herzog (ed.)
Contemporary Aspects of Giftedness
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
This book addresses the topic of gifted learners in the modern world, which can be understood very broadly. Authors from six countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia) discuss diverse views on the topic of working with gifted learners in the modern world.
The authors call attention to the relevance of developing the giftedness and the potential of gifted children in early childhood under the assumption that…
BegabungBildungEarly childhood educationEducationEducational SystemsErziehungGifted ChildrenGiftednessHochbegabte KinderIndividualisationIndividual ProgramIndividualsiergungRobert Gücker (Hrsg.)
Hochschullehrende als Reflective Practitioner
Praxis und Reflexion
Wissen, mit dem Lehre gestaltet wird, das zudem unreflektiert schnell erworben wird und unter Handlungsdruck abgerufen werden muss, sollte einer Überprüfung standhalten können. Der Hochschullehrende als ein Reflective Practitioner nach dem bekannten Ansatz von Donald Schön, als jemand, der über das im Vollzug der Arbeit aufgebaute Wissen nachdenkt, es bewertet und umbaut, stand im Zentrum einer Tagung an der Hochschule Offenburg Fakultät Medien und Informationswesen. Die…
BerufspädagogikDoctoral EducationDonald SchönEducational InequalitiyFaculty BiasHochschuldidaktikHochschullehreImplizites WissenKnowing in ActionPraxisreflexionReflection in ActionReflection on ActionReflective PractitionerTacit KnowledgeWissensexplikationSilvia Cristina Mărginean / Camelia Budac / Troy B. Wiwczaroski (eds.)
The Paradigm Shift in Higher Education
Experiences in and Considerations of Virtual, Hybrid and Blended Learning
Bis zu der groben Störung praktisch aller Lebensbereiche durch Corona im März 2020 waren die Bemühungen um eine Internationalisierung der Hochschulen, z. B. durch die Förderung des Austauschs von Studierenden und Lehrkräften zwischen den Ländern der Europäischen Union im Rahmen von Erasmus, von gemischtem Erfolg gekrönt.
Zwar hatten Lehrende und Forscher erfolgreiche Kooperationsbeziehungen aufgebaut, die z. B. zu gemeinsamen Lehrbuch- und…
Ausbildung von LehrkräftenBlended LearningCourse DesignCurricular DesignDidaktikErasmus-MobilitätErasmus MobilityGemischtes LernenHigher EducationHochschulbildungHybrider UnterrichtHybrid TeachingInternationalisationInternationalisierungKursgestaltungLehrmethodikLehrplangestaltungPädagogikPedagogyStrategic partnershipStrategische PartnerschaftenTeacher TrainingTeaching MethodologyVirtual TeachingVirtueller UnterrichtRobert Celec (Ed.)
Modern Society’s Diverse Challenges
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph covers some of the most interesting research areas of the modern time.
Right at the beginning, we are confronted with discussion about the encouragement of mathematical thinking of preschool children through the nature photography prism.
Later on, we find out more about an interesting research of a possible impact of contemporary music on partner models, so that we could examine connections between these two important social…
BeziehungenBildungCreative IndustriesCultureEducationErziehungGenderGesundheitHealth CareInclusionInklusionKreativwirtschaftKulturModerne GesellschaftModern societyMusical identityMusikalische IdentitätPsychotherapiePsychotherapyRelationsMarek Krawiec (ed.)
Challenges and Opportunities in Foreign Language Education
Studies in Honour of Professor Teresa Siek-Piskozub
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
„Challenges and Opportunities in Foreign Language Education“, with papers in English and German, is a tribute to Professor Teresa Siek-Piskozub by the articles’ contributors and reviewers. The book is divided into two parts:
In Part 1, EFL teachers and researchers (Augustyn Surdyk, Tomasz Róg, Karolina Ditrych, Marek Krawiec, Artur Urbaniak and Dorota Owczarek) pay tribute to Professor Siek-Piskozub in articles related to some of her most renowned publications…ChallengesForeign Language EducationFremdsprachenausbildungFremdsprachenlehreFremdsprachenlernenFremdsprachenunterrichtHerausforderungenLehrerMöglichkeitenOpportunitiesStudentenStudentsStudiesTeachersChristian Christrup Kjeldsen
Capabilities and Special Needs
An Educational Foundation
Sozialpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis
This doctoral work provides a comprehensive capability oriented research on the single case of a new Danish innovative policy (Act. no. 564 of 2007), a social work and educational intervention for mentally challenged young people and other young people with special needs; the so-called individually arranged youth education (STU). This Act has been taken into consideration in relation to an international study on the implementation of the UN convention on the rights of…
BildungssoziologieCapability ApproachCase StudieDenmarkEducational sociologyNormativityPierre BourdieuRelational EpistmologySocial JusticeSocial WorkSoziale ArbeitSpecial NeedsYouth education