Wissenschaftliche Literatur Decision-Making
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Annegret Kühne
Entscheidungsunterstützung für multikriterielle Investitionsentscheidungen am Beispiel einer Kraftwerksinvestition
QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis
Die Auswahl einer oder mehrerer Investitionsalternativen stellt für zahlreiche Unternehmen einen relevanten wiederkehrenden Entscheidungstatbestand dar. Investitionen tragen dazu bei, den Fortbestand eines Unternehmens sicherzustellen. Der Festlegung einer für das Treffen solcher Entscheidungen geeigneten Vorgehensweise kommt somit eine wichtige Bedeutung zu. Oftmals sind Investitionsentscheidungen darauf ausgerichtet, mehrere Ziele zu erfüllen. So änderten sich für…
AHPAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessBetriebswirtschaftslehreEnergiewirtschaftEntscheidungstheorieGruppenentscheidungInvestitionsentscheidungKernkraftwerkeKraftwerkeMulti Attributive Decision MakingRisikoanalyseLihua Jiang
How Far Can a Community Interpreter Go?
Discourse Interpreting Filters
TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft
While conference interpreting has developed as a fairly well-established discipline in terms of concepts and methods, interpreter-mediated interpreting, so-called community interpreting is still a neglected research topic despite its growing importance and recognition. Sociological communication problems associated with the interpreter’s presence and actions have come into the focus of discussion, leading to such opposing views of the interpreter as a verbatim’ reproducer…
Coherence FilterCommunity InterpretingDiscourse AnalysisDiscourse Interpreting FiltersInterpreter‘s RoleIsotopic Continuity FilterSprachwissenschaftChristian Hermelingmeier
Decisions under Imperfect Information
The Ordering of Information Structures and Production under Endogenous Uncertainty
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Almost all economic activity takes place under uncertainty. The randomness may, for instance, relate to risky stock market returns, fluctuating exchange rates or uncertain product innovations. The major source of uncertainty in decision making is the limited and imperfect knowledge of the decision maker at that given point in time. The exposure to uncertainty depends therefore inherently on the available information about the distribution of the existing risks. In…
BlackwellClassification CriterionEndogenes RisikoEndogenous RiskEntscheidung unter UnsicherheitFaktorpreisunsicherheitInformation ContentInformationsgehaltInformationsökonomikInformationsstrukturInformationssystemInformation StructureInternationaler HandelOrdnungskriteriumProduktion unter UnsicherheitTradeTransparencyTransparenzUncertain Factor PricesUncertaintyUngewissheitUnsicherheitValue of InformationVolkswirtschaftslehreWert von InformationWirtschaftstheorieThomas H. Lenhard
A Possible Evolution from the Decision Support System to the Solution System for Business Usage
For years there have not been really innovative or revolutionary ideas in the field of business intelligence. Therefore the author of this study asks the question: „If the computer delivers the information which is needed by the humans to make decisions, then why can’t the computer make the decision by itself? By comprehensible examples it is shown how we can do one step beyond common data warehouse and mining systems. Giving practical examples, the author explains…
AlgorithmsAutomised Decision MakingBetriebswirtschaftslehreBIBusiness IntelligenceDecision RangesDecision Support SystemDSSGenerating SolutionsHealthcareManagement Information SystemMISRange of SecuritySolutions for LogisticsSolution SystemSolving ProblemsSubstitution of ManagersWirtschaftsinformatikGraciela Küchle
Counterfactuals, Rationality and Equilibrium Concepts in Game Theory
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Strategic decision making involves deliberating about the consequences of every available course of action. This in turn, requires hypothesizing about the beliefs of the other players and their possible reactions to observed play. Unless individuals have previous experience with similar games or players, they will have to resort to their own assessment and reasoning in order to justify their strategies.
Decisions that arise out of introspection are full of…
Backward InductionCounterfactualsEquilibrium RefinementsGame TheoryRationalitySequential EquilibriumSignaling GamesStrategic Decision MakingVolkswirtschaftslehreNiklas Lampenius
Decision Making in Financial Markets
Development and Validation of a Behavioral Model Utilizing a Multi-Agent-Multi-Period Stock Market Simulation
This work extends the discussion on artificial markets research using a novel approach to model decision making in financial markets. The topic is motivated through a thorough overview on economic and behavioral decision making as well as a review of the stock market simulation literature. A decision making model including various behavioral components is thereafter presented and the model is validated utilizing a multi-agent-multi-period stock market simulation. The…
Agent based simulationBehavioral financeBetriebswirtschaftslehreDecision-MakingFinancial marketsFinanzmanagementIndividual decision makingStock market simulationSamuel Grossenbacher
Inside the Mind of Decision Makers
Antecedents and Consequences of Managers‘ Mental Models
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Managers apply simplified representations of reality to make sense of their complex environment. These so called mental models influence decision-making and performance in organizations. In this study, the author discusses the theoretical foundations of mental models. Furthermore, a literature review of antecedents and consequences of individual managers’ mental models is provided. The literature review and the findings of three empirical studies shed light on the…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreDecision-MakingDecision MakerMarketingMental ModelsRepertory Grid TechniqueSales ForceStrategic Decision MakingStrategic ManagementChristine Vallaster
Strategic Decision Making by Multicultural Groups
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
In der Praxis werden multikulturell zusammengesetzte Teams zunehmend mit strategischen Entscheidungen beauftragt. Es wird vielfach darauf hingewiesen, dass eine multikulturelle Arbeitsgruppe potentielle Wettbewerbsvorteile aufweisen kann. Trotzdem sind Unterschiede im Wahrnehmen, Denken und Handeln von Leuten mit verschiedenem kulturellen Hintergrund oftmals so stark, dass ein erfolgreiches Zusammenarbeiten unmöglich wird. Um erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten zu können, gilt…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreEntwicklung einer gemeinsamen VisionFallstudienMarketingMultikulturelle ArbeitsgruppenQualitative MarktforschungSoziale RepräsentationStrategic Decision MakingStrategische Entscheidungsprozesse