Wissenschaftliche Literatur Decision-Making
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Veronica Jemanyur Rop
Human Dignity – Participation of Women in Integral Human Development
A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The title of this book is Human Dignity- Participation of Women in Integral Human Development and the subtitle is A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya.
The dignity of the human person is central to the integral human development (IHD) of any community. The Catholic Social Teaching teaches that human dignity originates from God and is of God, because human beings are made in God’s own image and likeness. As a person…
DevelopmentDignityDiscriminationEqualityEthikGenderKenyaMoralParticipationPatriarchalismSocial EthicsSozialethikTheologieTheologyWomenWürdeKarin Tremp
Strategic Decision-Making
Top Management Team’s Dominant Logic and the Inherent Threat of Strategic Inertia
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Why do companies — especially the most established ones — consistently struggle to meet changing market and technical conditions? Organizational researchers and particularly those focusing on strategic management have long been interested in identifying factors that lead companies to success or failure. Outside observers are continuously surprised when well-established companies suddenly falter or collapse (take for example market leaders such as Kodak or Nokia). In…
Behavioral StrategyDecision-MakingDiversificationDominant LogicGroupthinkManagerial CognitionMental ModelsRelatednessStrategic InertiaStrategic ManagementStrategisches ManagementDirk Förster-Trallo
The Impact of Psychological Occupational Strains on Engineering Managers’ Decision Making Behaviour
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Due to the digitalisation of the working world and the intensified competition between organisations, the working environment of employees in technical working environments has changed in recent years. This applies in particular to executives in companies as they have been given greater responsibilities as a result. They are exposed to various stresses and strains. Negative effects of stress on the health of individuals have been empirically proven in recent years and…
Berufliche BelastungBetriebswirtschaftBusinessDecision-MakingDecision-Making BehaviourDecision-Making Under StressEngineering ManagerEntscheidungen unter StressEntscheidungsfindungEntscheidungsverhaltenFührungskräfte im technischen UmfeldInformation ProcessingInformationsverarbeitungOccupational StrainPsychological StrainPsychologische BelastungKatarína Remeňová & Nadežda Jankelová
A Descriptive Approach to Decision Making and the Decision-Making Style
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The scientific monograph provides in-depth coverage of the theory of decision making from a descriptive perspective, concentrating on decision-making style, the way of thinking, and information gathering. In the decision-making process, it is essential that a decision maker with a particular style bears responsibility for the decision and also for its subsequent implementation and control of the achieved results.
The decision-making style in the conditions of…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreDecision-MakingDecision Making ProcessDecision Making StyleDecision ProblemsDescriptive Decision MakingEntscheidungEntscheidungsfindungEntscheidungsprozessReasoningTeam Decision MakingTobias Wiens
Scheduling – Transportation – Pricing
Selected Problems and their Solutions
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Tobias Wiens investigates three selected problems in the fields of scheduling, transportation and pricing, with the aim of introducing appropriate analytical methods as a basis for better decision making. The author first introduces the new research field of team assignment and scheduling, taking into account team production effects. In contrast to the opinions prevalent in literature on job splitting, a given job’s processing time is not simply its default processing…
AblaufplanungAdaptive large Neighborhood searchAlmost stochastic dominanceAutovermietungBetriebswirtschaftCar rentalDecision analysisFestpreisverträgeFixed price contractsGenetic algorithmGenetischer AlgorithmusManagement ScienceNachbarschaftssucheNeighborhood searchOperations ResearchPreisgestaltungPricingRoutenplanungSchedulingTeam productionTeam ProduktionTransportationVehicle routingThomas Meissner
Der Competitive Intelligence Ansatz im Kontext strategischer Entscheidungen
Eine organisationale und prozessuale Perspektive
Diese Studie widmet sich dem Themenfeld der strategischen Entscheidungen (Strategic Decision Making) und wie diese vor dem Hintergrund einer stets komplexer und vielschichtig werdenden Unternehmensumwelt dennoch wettbewerbsorientiert getroffen werden können. Viele Unternehmen innovieren ihr bestehendes Business Model um sich gezielt diesen rapiden Wandel zu stellen und weiterhin wettbewerbsfähig aufgestellt zu sein. Diese Entwicklungen umfassen auch häufig Erweiterungen…
BetriebswirtschaftCompetitive IntelligenceKomplexitätstheorieManagementmodellMarktanalysenOrganisationslehreStrategic Decision MakingStrategische EntscheidungenUnternehmensführung und OrganisationWettbewerbsanalysenSonja Čotar Konrad / Tina Štemberger
Empowering teachers for generations to come
Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie
Throughout history, teachers and schools have always presented the reflection of societies, their priorities, needs and their orientation. Today, in the fast-changing world, teachers’ roles are changing, as are the expectations directed towards them. Teachers are faced with demands in terms of in-depth subject knowledge, advanced pedagogical skills, reflective practice and ability to adapt teaching to the needs of each individual as well as to the needs of the group of…
CompetencesContiuous Teacher DevelopmentFamilyInclusionInitial Teacher EducationMetacognitionProfessional DevelopmentSelf-RegulationTeacherNina Groß
Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Wissenstransferprozesses für Teams in komplexen technischen Systemen
Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie
In technisch eng gekoppelten, risikoreichen Arbeitsumgebungen, so genannten komplexen technischen Systemen, können Fehler fatale Folgen für die Mitarbeitenden, die Organisation, die Umwelt oder durchaus auch Dritte haben. Die Anwendung von Falschem oder fehlendes Wissen, stellen dabei mögliche Faktoren dar, welche die Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit von Fehlern erhöhen. Der Einsatz von Wissenstransferprozessen bietet einen möglichen Ansatzpunkt, um Wissen und Erfahrungen –…
ErfahrungswissenErhebungsmethodeHochrisikoindustrieKomplexe technische SystemePsychologieTeamsWissenstransferWissenstransferprozessDaniel M. Ringel
Creating Insights in Large Markets
Electronic Commerce, Marketing & Finance
Today, firms face large and complex markets, in which they must make strategic and tactic decisions. However, their ability to make informed decisions is limited. First, they lack access to comprehensive data regarding the large markets in which they operate. Second, even in cases in which such data are available, traditional analysis methods in marketing cannot adequately address the vast quantities of data points involved thousands of consumers, firms, and products.…
Asymmetric CompetitionBig DataCannibalizationCompetitive AnalysisCompetitive Market StructureConsideration SetsMarketingNew Product SuccessOnline Consumer SearchOverlapping ClusteringPrice-Comparison SitesSource of Market ShareViasualization and MappingThomas Rachfall
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Information Overload Phenomenon
Schriften zum Betrieblichen Rechnungswesen und Controlling
Most people are working with the help of information and communication technology (ICT), with a still rising rate of workplaces being equipped with new technology. More and more people are presumed to act efficiently with new ICT and services in an environment that is getting more multifaceted for employees in the communication process. In response to the quickly changing environments, individuals and organisations are suffering from information overload (IO). However, in…
Case StudyCognitive LoadCommunication TechnologyControllingDecision-MakingICTInformation OverloadInformation ProcessingInformationsüberlastungManagement AccountingStressWork Satisfaction