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Getting Knowledge of Evil: A Comparison of Wolfhart Pannenberg᾿s and Gustavo Gutiérrez᾿s Theology (Doktorarbeit)

Getting Knowledge of Evil: A Comparison of Wolfhart Pannenberg᾿s and Gustavo Gutiérrez᾿s Theology

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

This book compares the understanding of evil by Wolfhart Pannenberg and Gustavo Gutiérrez. It addresses the question on, how do Pannenberg and Gutiérrez get knowledge of the “reality” of evil? The answer to the question is that they get knowledge of such a “reality” in a very similar way: dialectically and interdisciplinary.

On the one hand, it has to do…

Das BöseErkenntnistheorieGustavo GutiérrezPhilosophieReligionTheologieWissenschaftWolfhart Pannenberg