Wissenschaftliche Literatur Cooperation
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
Falls bei Ihnen die Veröffentlichung der Dissertation, Habilitation oder Masterarbeit ansteht, kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit gern.
Sangtu Ko / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.)
Integration Under Pressure – Regionalisation of Globalisation in Northeast Asia and Europe
Schriften zur internationalen Politik
In einer Zeit, in der sich die Dynamiken der Globalisierung und der Regionalisierung in einer noch nie dagewesenen Komplexität überschneiden, liefert dieser Band vertiefte Einblicke in die Wirkungsweise, wie regionale Kräfte globale Prozesse formen und von ihnen geformt werden. Die Monographie ist ein Produkt gemeinsamer wissenschaftlicher Bemühungen, die an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und der Yonsei-Universität in Seoul (Südkorea) durchgeführt wurden.…
Beziehungen Europa-AsienEuropäische IntegrationEurope and Asia comparedEuropean integrationGlobalisierunginternational cooperationInternationale ZusammenarbeitPolitikwissenschaftRegionalisierungSoziologieUkraine-Kriegwar in UkraineAndreas Wild
Strategic supplier cooperation in the automotive industry
Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement
In the automotive industry, suppliers from the consumer electronics and high-tech industry are becoming increasingly relevant, for example in the context of automated vehicles.
The carmakers’ purchasing organizations need to understand the power constellation in negotiations with these new suppliers, since negotiating power is the greatest lever for influencing the outcome of negotiations.
This study analyzes the importance of organizational sources of…
AutomobilindustrieAutomotiveBetriebswirtschaftBusinessEinkaufLieferantenmanagementNegotiationOperationsPurchasingStrategieStrategySupply ChainSupply Chain ManagementSupplyer ManagementVerhandlungWirtschaftswissenschaftLibor Lukášek
The Visegrad Group
Its Development in the Years 1991 – 2004
Schriften zur Geschichtsforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts
The Visegrad Group is an alliance of Eastern European countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) founded 15 February 1991 in Visegrad with the presidents of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland signing a „Declaration on mutual cooperation for further European integration.“ The strategic goals of the Group were to fill in the security-economic vacuum created in the region as the result of the fundamental international political changes at the end of the…
CooperationIntegrationNATORegional CooperationRegionalismSecurityVisegrad CooperationVisegrad GroupZeitgeschichteSonja Čotar Konrad / Darjo Felda / Tina Štemberger
Contemporary Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care
The monograph »Contemporary perspectives on early childhood education and care« consists of ten chapters that theoretically and empirically address some of the key areas of quality of ECEC.
In the first chapter »The preschool teacher: an important factor in promoting child development« we present how the education of preschool teacher profession has been developed and influenced in Slovenia.
In the second chapter »Models for professional development…
Berufliche BildungBeteiligung von KindernChild participationCooperation with parentsDidacticsDidaktikEarly childhood educationECECEducationErziehungswissenschaftFrühkindliche BildungImmigrant childrenImmigrantenkinderInclusionInklusionLebenslanges LernenLifelong learningMigrationMusical literacyMusikalische KompetenzenPädagogikPedagogyPreschool teacherProfessional educationVorschullehrerZusammenarbeit mit den ElternÁngela María Beltrán Hernández
The Socio-Political Construction of Civilians Affected by War – “Refocusing Life While Weaving Pain”
An Alternative Look at Relational Agency Theory Based on the Colombian Case
Studien zur Konflikt- und Friedensforschung
A painful reality persists in the 21st century: The various faces of violence are troubling as ever, manifesting themselves not only in brutal wars but also concealed within inequality, poverty, and injustice.
Direct, structural, and symbolic violence erodes the lives of millions of people every day, causing immense suffering. One might assume that war robs individuals of their motivation to move forward and overcome hardship. However, what happens when this…
agency theoryAgententheorieColombiaGewaltinternational cooperationInternationale ZusammenarbeitKolumbienKriegOpferpainPassivitätpassivitypolitical sciencePolitikwissenschaftpsychosocialpsychosozialSchmerzsocial scienceSozialwissenschaftTransformationtransformationvictimsviolencewarHuan Tao
Financial Crisis Supervision and Institutional Innovation
Studienreihe wirtschaftsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse
This work examines the Great Depression of the 1930s and the financial crisis caused by the subprime mortage crisis from the angle of financial supervision. The author analyzes and compares the financial systems, the evolution mechanism and the causes of the financial crises. The study probes into the necessity of strengthening macroprudential supervision. It explores the regulatory framework and main elements of macroprudential supervision, it’s position in the financial…
Chinas FinanzindustrieFinancial CrisisFinanzaufsichtFinanzielle InstabilitätFinanzkriseFinanzregulationInstitutionelle InnovationMakroprudenziellMikroprudenziellRechtswissenschaftRezessionWirtschaftsrechtAleksandra Burgiel / Troy B. Wiwczaroski (eds.)
Global Leadership and Leadership Development
Betriebliche Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung in Forschung und Praxis
This book has been developed as part of a broader project: ERASMUS+ KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project No. 2017-1-HU01-KA203-035918, known as PROMINENCE (Promoting mindful encounters through intercultural competence and experience). Four partner universities were involved in the research and writing of this book: Debrecen University in Debrecen, Hungary, the coordinating partner; the University of Economics in Katowice,…
FührungGlobale DenkweiseInterkulturelle KommunikationInterkulturelles TrainingLeadershipLeadership DevelopmentManagementRhetorikSoft SkillsUnternehmensführungLaura Angélica Casola
Legal Culture on Human Trafficking in Mercosur
Between the Local and the Global
An Analysis from 2000 to 2016
Schriften zum ausländischen Recht
Mercosur has become a key region for human trafficking. This illegal trade interconnects the four countries by means of a complex criminal matrix and requires concerted governmental strategies in order to counter this phenomenon. However, Mercosur member states had established different regulations, thereby keeping the region from developing a joint strategy. This was to change in 2001 when the bloc emerged as a transnational actor in order to promote cooperation and…
Global StudiesHuman TraffickingLegal CultureMenschenhandelPolitikwissenschaftRechtskulturRechtswissenschaftRegional IntegrationKlaus Püschel, Christina Krafczyk, Jean-Damascène Bizimana (Hrsg.)
Never Forgotten – The Genocide Victims from Murambi, Rwanda
Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Hamburg
Introduction and Beginning of the Cooperation
(K. Püschel, O. Krebs, B. Franke, H. Mushumba)
Days of Darkness – The Genocide Against Tutsi in Murambi
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)
A New Beginning – Rwanda After the Genocide
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)
The Genocide Against Tutsi in Murambi
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)
Eike Albrecht / Dmitry Palekhov / Steven Kramm / Toni Mileski (Eds.)
Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration
Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis
This volume is the result of two conferences that have been organised by two departments of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU), Cottbus, Germany – Department of Public Law, with Focus on Environmental and Planning Law at the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences, and the Department of Environmental Planning at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Sciences. The conferences were carried out in 2019 in the framework of two cooperation…
Acquis communautaireBesitzstandEU-ErweiterungEuropäische UnionMigrationNordmazedonienUkraineUmweltrecht