Wissenschaftliche Literatur Constraints
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Antti Kapanen
Employability of Foreign Higher Education Graduates in Germany
A Grounded Theory Study of Factors, Processes and Action Strategies
Studien zur Berufs- und Professionsforschung
The number of foreign students enrolled in German higher education has grown for decades – reaching 128,500 new enrolments and a total number of 440,500 students in 2022. Up to 80% of new enrolments consider staying in Germany to work after graduation, promising a welcome relief to the much-discussed labour shortage resulting from demographic and educational trends.
However, the real employment outcomes continue to fall short of the promising expectations. As…
ArbeitsmarktAusländische StudierendeBeschäftigungsfähigkeitDemografieDemographiewandelEmployabilityFachkräftemangelHochschulbildungIntegrationInternationalisierungMigrationPersonalwesenXiaoxiang Su
Radical Awareness among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This study examined radical awareness among college students who learned Chinese as a foreign language (CFL).
Radicals are subcomponents of characters. They follow positional constraints and they have meaning-cueing and pronunciation-cueing functions. Radical awareness, the knowledge about the positional and functional regularities of radicals has been found closely related to Chinese word reading and word writing among developing readers in first language…
Angewandte LinguistikApplied linguisticsChinese character learningChinesischForeign language learningFremdsprachenlernenFremdsprachenunterrichtMorphological awarenessOrthographic awarenessPhonological awarenessRadical awarenessRadikaleSchriftzeichenSecond language acquisitionWord recognitionWorterkennungZweitspracherwerbNicasia Picciano
The European Union State-Building in Kosovo
Challenges and Lessons Learned: An Assessment of EULEX
Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht
This is the first research ever on an encompassing overview of EU conflict management in Kosovo. It analyses the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) commitment in the judicial field in the youngest Balkan ‘State‘, since its inception up today, by comparing its deeds and missed actions with those of its predecessor (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo - UNMIK). It includes precious information on the understanding of the challenges third party…
DemokratisierungEthnicityEU Common Foreign and Security PolicyEU Common Security and Defense PolicyEULEX-MissionEuropean Union Conflict ManagementFriedensbildungKosovoPeace-BuildingState-BuildingUNMIKWestern BalkansThomas Görtz
Keyword Advertising and Dynamic Pricing
An Integrated Model and its Application to an Online Market Place
QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis
The emergence of Keyword Advertising as a special form of personalized online advertisement has played an indispensable role in the success of web search engines. The costs for Keyword Advertising are determined by a generalized auction that is conducted for every single search query entered in by a user. So far, current Keyword Advertising models rely on a calculation of revenue that assumes the value per keyword is fixed. This approach, however, does not take into…
Dynamic PricingDynamic ProgrammingKeyword AdvertisingMarketingOnline-WerbungOnline Market PlaceRevenue ManagementSearch Engine MarketingSponsored SearchStochastic SimulationWirtschaftsinformatikSonja-Verena Growe
Nachvertragliche Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen von Arbeitnehmern in multinationalen Konzernen
Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Rechts
Schriftenreihe arbeitsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse
Der Schutz wettbewerbsrelevanten Know-Hows ist angesichts des sich stetig verschärfenden Wettlaufs um spezifisches Wissen und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter für Arbeitgeber von zunehmender Bedeutung. Sowohl das deutsche als auch das englische Recht stellen mit nachvertraglichen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen Instrumente bereit, mittels deren Arbeitnehmer und das in ihrer Person konzentrierte Wissen über die Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses hinaus exklusiv gebunden werden können.…
International zwingende NormenKonkurrenzklauselKonzerndimensionaler WettbewerbsschutzNachvertragliches WettbewerbsverbotNational zwingende NormenPost-employment ConstraintsPost-employment restrictive CovenantsRechtswissenschaftSchutz von Know-howTeilrechtswahlWettbewerbsschutzHenrike Adler
Geschickt bewegen im Alter
Gleichgewichtstraining auf natürlich variierenden Untergründen
Schriften zur Bewegungswissenschaft
Unfälle und Stürze können die Lebensqualität Älterer stark reduzieren. Ursachen für eine Vielzahl von Unfällen sind nicht allein in der individuellen Konstitution zu suchen, sondern ergeben sich in dynamischen Situationen. Dies wird im Bereich des Gesundheits- oder Präventionssportes oft nicht angemessen berücksichtigt – das Ziel, situativ agieren zu können, blieb bislang meist ein sportspielspezifisches Trainingsziel. [...]
ÄltereBalanceBewegungstherapieGeländetrainingGeschicklichkeitGesundheitssportGleichgewichtKoordinationstrainingNaturSeniorensportSturzpräventionFlorian Delitz
Hedge Accounting in Accordance with IFRS
Schriften zum Betrieblichen Rechnungswesen und Controlling
For a true and fair view, the joint presentation of the hedged item(s) and the hedging instrument(s) is necessary. The limited application of hedge accounting under IFRS is due to strict requirements, whereas some of these requirements are not justifiable from an economic perspective.
Lower partial moment and hedge effectiveness assessment.
The risk measure ’lower partial moment’ perceives risk as the shortfall from a benchmark and is therefore…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreBilanzierung von SicherungsbeziehungenCommodity HedgingEffektivitätsmessungEstimation WindowFremdwährungsrisikoabsicherungFX HedgingHedge AccountingHedge Effectiveness TestingHedgingIAS 39IFRSIFRS 9Lower Partial MomentMacro HedgingMakro HedgingMultiplicatively Combined RisksMultiplikativ verknüpfte RisikenPortfolio HedgingRohstoffpreisabsicherungSchätzfensterSicherungsbeziehungenDaniel Besendorfer
Sustainable Federalism
Theory and Applications
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
When it comes to sustainability, most people, particularly in Europe, think of an environmental concept to conserve access to natural resources for our offspring. Rooted in forestry, any concept would be called sustainable that ensures long-term use of a certain resource without exploiting its stock. The United Nations’ environmental summit of Rio de Janeiro in 1991 further manifested sustainability as a purely environmental concept. Sustainable development was defined as…
Deutsche BundesländerFiscal FederalismFiscal SustainabilityFiskalföderalismusFiskalische NachhaltigkeitGenerationenbilanzierungNachhaltigkeitRatings öffentlicher AnleihenUS BundesstaatenVolkswirtschaftslehreChristian Marino Baudy
Producing Verbal Play in English
A Contrastive Study of Advanced German Learners of English and English Native Speakers
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Verbal play production feeds on the ability to deliberately manipulate language. It is frequently employed by native speakers (of English) in human interaction to achieve a communicative goal „with a laugh?. Foreign language learners hardly employ such strategic moves. Research into foreign language play typically observes and categorizes spontaneous humorous productions. In contrast, the focus of this study is on planned English punning. It aims to uncover the respective…
Applied linguisticsContrastive researchForeign language learningKommunikationKompetenzSecond language communicationSpracheSprachwissenschaftÜbersetzbarkeitÜbersetzungÜbersetzungsäquivalenzWitzClaudia Börger
Word-Formation Processes from a Cognitive Perspective
An Analysis of Complex Prepositional Lexemes
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The COLLINS Cambridge International Dictionary of English illustrates the meaning of prefixed OVER with a contemporarys characterisation of American troops in Britain during World War II: Overpaid, overfed, oversexed and over here. The quote is well chosen - not just because of ist expressiveness. The meaning of OVER in these compounds in fact represents the meaning found with the vast majority of complex lexemes containing the preposition as a first constituent.…
Kognitive SemantikKonstruktionsschemataKonzeptuelle MetapherKorpuslinguistikPolysemiePräpositionPrototypensemantikSprachwissenschaftWord FormationWortbildung