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The Applicability of a US-Type Rule of Reason under Article 101 (1) TFEU (Doktorarbeit)

The Applicability of a US-Type Rule of Reason under Article 101 (1) TFEU

A Comparison of EU with US Law

Studienreihe wirtschaftsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse

This work deals with the applicability of a US-type rule of reason under Art. 101 (1) TFEU. It compares EU with US competition law, in particular § 1 of the Sherman Act and Art. 101 TFEU. The analysis essentially deals with the question whether the rule of reason assessment as developed in US…

Antitrust LawArt. 101 TFEUCouncil Regulation (EC) 1/2003Economic ApproachEU Competition LawEuropean CommissionKartellrechtObject or effectPer se illegalRule of ReasonSherman ActWettbewerbsrecht
Creating Insights in Large Markets (Doktorarbeit)

Creating Insights in Large Markets

Electronic Commerce, Marketing & Finance

Today, firms face large and complex markets, in which they must make strategic and tactic decisions. However, their ability to make informed decisions is limited. First, they lack access to comprehensive data regarding the large markets in which they operate. Second, even in cases in which such data are available,…

Asymmetric CompetitionBig DataCannibalizationCompetitive AnalysisCompetitive Market StructureConsideration SetsMarketingNew Product SuccessOnline Consumer SearchOverlapping ClusteringPrice-Comparison SitesSource of Market ShareViasualization and Mapping
Marktbeherrschung und Wettbewerbsbeschränkung als Untersagungskriterium nach Art. 2 FKVO (Dissertation)

Marktbeherrschung und Wettbewerbsbeschränkung als Untersagungskriterium nach Art. 2 FKVO

Marktbeherrschungstest, erhebliche Behinderung wirksamen Wettbewerbs und Substantial Lessening of Competition in der europäischen und amerikanischen Fusionskontrolle

Schriften zum Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht

Im Jahr 2004 novellierte die Europäische Kommission das materielle Eingriffskriterium der Fusionskontrollverordnung (FKVO). Dem war eine Debatte vorausgegangen, in deren Mittelpunkt die Frage stand, ob der Marktbeherrschungstest flexibel genug ist, um insbesondere unilaterale Effekte auf oligopolistischen Märkten…

Art. 2 FKVOEfficiency defenseEUEuropäische FusionskontrolleGesellschaftsrechtKartellrechtKollektive MarktbeherrschungMarktbeherrschungstestmerger guidelinesOligopolRechtswissenschaftsec. 7 Clayton ActSIEC-TestSLC-TestUnilaterale EffekteUSA
Online Communities as a Source of Innovation (Doktorarbeit)

Online Communities as a Source of Innovation

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

The perpetual quest for the next innovation remains a great challenge in today’s fast-evolving business environment. In order to capture customer needs and to stay ahead of the competition, firms are increasingly integrating external information sources into their innovation processes. Since online communities and…

AbilitiesBusiness EnvironmentCompetitionInnovation ManagementInnovation PlatformsInteraction QualityInterestsKnowledgeMotivationOnline CommunitiesOpen InnovationTrust
Influence of Industry Environment on Firms‘ Characteristics (Doktorarbeit)

Influence of Industry Environment on Firms‘ Characteristics

An Empirical Review of the Determinants of Cash Holding, Leverage, Investment, and Return


This study reviews the connection between a firm‘s financing decisions and the industry environment; i.e., the industry structure as well as product market competition. According to existing research, firms should prepare themselves to maintain an investment capacity particularly in concentrated, growing, and…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCapital StudiesCash HoldingCashmanagementIndustrial economicKapitalstrukturProduct Market CompetitionRisk ManagementUnternehmensfinanzierungWettbewerbsinteraktion
Dispositional Influences on Motivation Gains of Inferior Group Members (Doktorarbeit)

Dispositional Influences on Motivation Gains of Inferior Group Members

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie

In recent years, a growing number of studies have demonstrated that inferior group members sometimes exert higher efforts when working collectively compared to individual work. Prior research identified two main processes underlying these motivation gains: social comparison and social indispensability. While prior…

Arbeits-Betriebs- und OrganisationspsychologieCompetitionGenderImpression ManagementMotivationPsychologieSocial IndispensabilitySozialpsychologieTeams
The Creation of Balance in Architectural Competition (Studie)

The Creation of Balance in Architectural Competition

Methods of Strategic Practice Control

Strategisches Management

Bis heute gibt es in Deutschland keine öffentlich publizierten Managementsysteme für Architekturbüros. In den letzten Jahren wurden aber immer mehr Beiträge zu Einzelthemen wie Qualitätsmanagement, Projektcontrolling oder Büromanagement veröffentlicht. Das Anliegen dieser These besteht daher in der Entwicklung…

ArchitectureArchitekurBalanceBetriebswirtschaftslehreBusiness AdministrationControlMBAPractice ManagementStrategisches Management