Wissenschaftliche Literatur automotive industry
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Andreas Wild
Strategic supplier cooperation in the automotiveindustry
Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement
In the automotiveindustry, suppliers from the consumer electronics and high-tech industry are becoming increasingly relevant, for example in the context of automated vehicles.
The carmakers’ purchasing organizations need to understand the power constellation in negotiations with these new suppliers, since negotiating power is the greatest lever for influencing the outcome of negotiations.
This study analyzes the importance of organizational sources of power and their interplay with the products’ degree of innovation. [...]
AutomobilindustrieAutomotiveBetriebswirtschaftBusinessEinkaufLieferantenmanagementNegotiationOperationsPurchasingStrategieStrategySupply ChainSupply Chain ManagementSupplyer ManagementVerhandlungWirtschaftswissenschaftJasmina Kitanović
Internationalization of Innovation Systems
Lessons from Eastern Europe
EURO-Wirtschaft – Studien zur ökonomischen Entwicklung Europas
Innovation and technological change are repeatedly recognized as the main driving forces for economic development and growth. Economies which are characterized by faster growth rates compared to others are those which are in a position to create and economically use new technologies, production processes and products more successfully. In addition, economic development depends on the increasing process of globalization. Economies have to be integrated within global markets in order to get access to information, technology and expertise that are necessary to become and…
Automotive industryEconomic developmentEconomicsGlobalizationGlobal Value ChainsInnovation SystemsSerbiaTransition processesVolkswirtschaftslehreHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet