Wissenschaftliche Literatur Assessment
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Chika Ubaldus Ogbonna
Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries
Institutional Challenges and Opportunities for Nigeria‘s Niger Delta Region
Climate variability and change has become a major environmental challenge facing developing countries in the 21st century. The natural resource-rich Niger Delta of Nigeria is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. The research elicited data from multiple stakeholders within relevant agencies and organizations, with a focus on the stakeholders’ views on legal and institutional challenges to adaptation in Bayelsa, Delta, Imo and Rivers States. Assessment of…
Climate AdaptationEinvironmental ProtectionEnvironmental and Resource ManagementEnvironmental LawEnvironmental SustainabilityInstitutional ChallengesInstitutionelle HerausforderungenKlimawandelLegal and Policy FrameworksNachhaltigkeitNigeriaNigeria‘s Niger Delta RegionOpportunitiesPolitische RahmenbedingungenRechtliche RahmenbedingungenRisikomanagementRisk ManagementSustainable DevelopmentUmweltschutzUrban and Regional PlanningAsrat Mekonnen Gobachew
Supply Chain Performance Optimization under Demand Uncertainty
QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis
This book presents a comprehensive model for businesses to optimize their supply chain performance. It focuses on balancing supply chain costs and customer service levels in distribution networks.
The book takes readers on a transformative journey through the world of supply chain optimization, starting with a deterministic bi-objective model and expanding to encompass the dynamic reality of today's supply chain operations. It introduces methods to handle the…
NachfrageunsicherheitPharmazeutische LieferketteSupply Chain ManagementSupply Chain PerformanceSzenariobasierte ModellierungUncertaintyVertriebsnetzwerkCharis-Olga Papadopoulou
The Use of the Learning Portfolio in Foreign Language Teacher Education
The Promotion of Learner Autonomy
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
This book addresses an important issue in foreign language teacher training, that of fostering learner autonomy in higher education. On the basis of an appropriate theoretical framework and systematically collected empirical evidence the book presents a learning portfolio to be used by student teachers of foreign languages. Teacher educators will find helpful guidance and supporting materials as far as the learning portfolio’s flexible use in multiple contexts is…
Action ResearchAssessment for LearningDidaktikErziehungswissenschaftForeign languagesFremdsprachendidaktikFremdsprachenunterrichtHigher educationLearner autonomyPortfolioSelf-assessmentTeacher trainingChristopher F. Mokwa
Valuation and Default Risk Assessment in Venture Capital Investments
The Impact of Biases in Management Forecasts and the Relevance of Selected Financial and Non-Financial Information from Due Diligence Documents
This book examines the impact of selected due diligence information on the valuation of venture-backed start-ups and the assessment of default risks. By investigating the characteristics and consequences of biases in multi-year management forecasts, this thesis also sheds light on the role of optimism and confidence in entrepreneurial environments. In addition, this study presents cross-sectional models that allow investors to identify potential biases in management…
Bankruptcy PredictionCross-Sectional Projection ModelsDefault Risk AssessmentEntrepreneuershipFinancial AccountingManagement Forecast BiasesOptimismOverconfidencePre-Money ValuesStartupsValuationVenture CapitalJonas Meister
Causal Analysis on Observational Data for Discount Campaigns in E-Commerce
Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik
Causal thinking is an inherent human behavior crucial for understanding relationships in diverse situations. Despite its significance, machine learning algorithms often struggle to identify causality, relying instead on historical patterns. This limitation hampers their ability to adapt to new scenarios, like the cold start problem.
Understanding causality holds particular importance in domains relying heavily on human behavior analysis, such as E-commerce,…
Causal AnalysisE-CommerceGraphenerkennungInformatikKampagnenplanungKausalanalyseKausalschlussRobert Celec (Ed.)
Health Care Through Various Aspects of Social Action
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph entitled “Health care through various aspects of social action” touches on research findings that find a common ground in the studies that are protecting our health. Initially, it gives insight into the results of a study that analyses the health and problems of students related to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most universities were forced to switch to online distance learning.
In the following chapter, it presents the…
AgrarwirtschaftClimate ChangeEducationErnährungErziehungswissenschaftFoodFood WasteGesundheitHealthHealthcareKlimawandelLebensmittelverschwendungPollutionSportSportsWell-BeingWohlbefindenDavid Bühne
Das Verfahren ELA in der orthopädischen Rehabilitation
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)-basierte Vorhersage der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
Verfahren der Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) werden zur Einschätzung der arbeitsbezogenen körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit eingesetzt und bilden einen wichtigen Bestandteil beruflich orientierter Maßnahmen der medizinischen Rehabilitation.
Anhand einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Kohortenstudie wird untersucht, inwiefern das FCE-Verfahren ELA eine valide Prognose der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung sowie einen über Patientenangaben hinausgehenden…
ABMRAssessmentBerufsbezogene DiagnostikELAFCEFunctional Capacity EvaluationGesundheitswissenschaftMBORMedizinOrthopädiePrognostische ValiditätRehabilitationReturn to WorkSportwissenschaftWiedereingliederungPetra Hutner
Transdisziplinärer Ansatz zur Förderung einer Circular Economy durch nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement
Identifikation von Handlungsoptionen und Evaluierung von Umweltauswirkungen der Abfallvermeidung
Nachhaltigkeits-Management – Studien zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung
Das Konzept der Circular Economy visiert eine Kreislaufführung von Stoffen, einen nachhaltige Umgang mit Primärrohstoffen und eine Verringerung von unerwünschten Outputs und Dissipation an. Abfallvermeidung als priorisierte Strategie innerhalb eines nachhaltigen Ressourcen- und Abfallmanagements adressiert alle diese Ziele gleichzeitig und wird im Vergleich zu Recycling und energetischer Verwertung als ökologisch vorteilhaft angesehen. Die in dieser Studie entwickelte…
AbfallrecyclingAbfallvermeidungCircular EconomyKommunenLife Cycle AssessmentNachhaltiges RessourcenmanagementNachhaltigkeitTransdisziplinaritätUmweltauswirkungenNicasia Picciano
The European Union State-Building in Kosovo
Challenges and Lessons Learned: An Assessment of EULEX
Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht
This is the first research ever on an encompassing overview of EU conflict management in Kosovo. It analyses the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) commitment in the judicial field in the youngest Balkan ‘State‘, since its inception up today, by comparing its deeds and missed actions with those of its predecessor (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo - UNMIK). It includes precious information on the understanding of the challenges third party…
DemokratisierungEthnicityEU Common Foreign and Security PolicyEU Common Security and Defense PolicyEULEX-MissionEuropean Union Conflict ManagementFriedensbildungKosovoPeace-BuildingState-BuildingUNMIKWestern BalkansStephanie Rohac
Individual Cultural Intelligence
A Comparison to Other Individual Models of Intercultural Success, Its Assessment, and Individual Cross-Cultural Metacognition in Learning and Training
Organizational success in international business depends heavily on the individual’s ability to manage cross-cultural interaction. There is a growing organizational demand to assess and train individual’s cross-cultural flexibility and self-regulated learning ability in cross-cultural contexts. Individuals need to cope with unknown, unexpected, incomplete or unfamiliar information in cross -cultural interaction, with an increased level of cultural…
Cross-cultural successCultural IntelligenceDiversityHuman Resources DevelopmentIntercultural communicationIntercultural PsychologyInterkulturelle KommunikationInterkulturelle PsychologieKulturelle Intelligenz