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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Accuracy

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Impact of Variety and Control on Users’ Reactions to Recommender Systems (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Impact of Variety and Control on Users’ Reactions to Recommender Systems

Exemplary Application Diversifying Users’ Meal Choices

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Empfehlungssysteme (RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS) bezeichnen auf Algorithmen basierende Softwarewerkzeuge und -techniken, die darauf abzielen, die Entscheidungsfindung von Nutzern zu unterstützen, indem sie Elemente vorschlagen, die für die Nutzer von Interesse sind. Sehr bekannte Anwendungen aus der Praxis finden sich beispielsweise bei Netflix, Amazon, YouTube und Facebook wieder.

Die meisten Empfehlungssysteme konzentrieren sich in ihren Algorithmen darauf, die…

AbwechslungAccuracyConsumer BehaviorDecision Support SystemsEmpfehlungssystemeGenauigkeitKonsumentenverhaltenLibertarian PaternalismMarketingMeal PlanningNudgingNutzerkontrolleRecommendation SystemsRecommender SystemsSpeiseplanungUser ControlVarietyVielfaltWirtschaftsinformatik
Pursuing Societal Transformation in Coal Mining Regions through Education and Knowledge Transfer (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Pursuing Societal Transformation in Coal Mining Regions through Education and Knowledge Transfer

Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis

This volume is the outcome of a scientific workshop on Pursuing Societal Transformation through Education and Knowledge Transfer in Kozani. The workshop was carried out in December 2022 in the framework of a cooperation project financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The project brought together Brandenburg University of Cottbus – Senftenberg (BTU), Germany, and the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM), Kozani, northern Greece. [...]

EnergiewendeGerechter ÜbergangJust TransitionKohleKohleausstiegÖkologische WendeRegionalstudienStruktureller WandelUmweltrecht
Causal Analysis on Observational Data for Discount Campaigns in E-Commerce (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Causal Analysis on Observational Data for Discount Campaigns in E-Commerce

Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik

Causal thinking is an inherent human behavior crucial for understanding relationships in diverse situations. Despite its significance, machine learning algorithms often struggle to identify causality, relying instead on historical patterns. This limitation hampers their ability to adapt to new scenarios, like the cold start problem.

Understanding causality holds particular importance in domains relying heavily on human behavior analysis, such as E-commerce,…

Causal AnalysisE-CommerceGraphenerkennungInformatikKampagnenplanungKausalanalyseKausalschluss
Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration

Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis

This volume is the result of two conferences that have been organised by two departments of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU), Cottbus, Germany – Department of Public Law, with Focus on Environmental and Planning Law at the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences, and the Department of Environmental Planning at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Sciences.

The conferences were carried out in 2019 in the framework of two…

Acquis communautaireBesitzstandEU-ErweiterungEuropäische UnionMigrationNordmazedonienUkraineUmweltrecht
Reliability and Validity of the Skijumping Technique Factors (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Reliability and Validity of the Skijumping Technique Factors

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft

The new book by the experienced authors in sports presents research in the ski jumping technique based on selected dynamic and kinematic factors.

Ski jumping is a technically challenging sport and the most important for jump realization are stability, reliability and validity.

The authors divided the ski jumping technique into a sequence of specific movements in four phases (in-run, take-off, flight, and landing), and gave a detailed explanation of…

AccuracyAerodynamic indexFlight phaseIn-run phaseJumping techniquePerformanceReliabilitySki jumpingSkijumpingSkispringenSportwissenschaftStabilityTake-off phaseTechnique factorValidity
Earnings Forecast Modeling (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Earnings Forecast Modeling

A Systematic Approach


Equity analysts’ earnings forecasts, collected by the Institutional Brokers’ Estimate Service (IBES), Zacks and other news providers, serve as a central input in financial research. For example, Claus & Thomas (2001) use earnings forecasts to estimate the equity risk premium. The equity risk premium, defined as the excess of the expected return on the market over the risk-free rate, is most commonly estimated via historical averages of ex post realized returns due to the…

BetriebwirtschaftslehreCross-sectional Earnings ModelEarnings ForecastsFinanzmanagementForecast AccuracyForecast BiasImplied Cost of CapitalVolkswirtschaftslehre
Phraseodidactic Studies on German as a Foreign Language/ Phraseodidaktische Studien zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Phraseodidactic Studies on German as a Foreign Language/ Phraseodidaktische Studien zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

Phraseological competence is one of the main challenges for language learners. Phraseodidactics, as one of the applied fields of Phraseology, fosters this competence by providing teachers and students with certain tools and techniques. In this collective volume, eight specialists put forward the relevance of this field and formulate guidelines for a good acquisition of phraseological units in German as a foreign language. They confront theoretical and practical principles…

Cognitive ProcessesDeutsch als FremdspracheDidacticsGerman as a Foreign LanguageIdiomsLanguage LearningPhraseodidacticsTranslation
Valuation and Default Risk Assessment in Venture Capital Investments (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Valuation and Default Risk Assessment in Venture Capital Investments

The Impact of Biases in Management Forecasts and the Relevance of Selected Financial and Non-Financial Information from Due Diligence Documents


This book examines the impact of selected due diligence information on the valuation of venture-backed start-ups and the assessment of default risks. By investigating the characteristics and consequences of biases in multi-year management forecasts, this thesis also sheds light on the role of optimism and confidence in entrepreneurial environments. In addition, this study presents cross-sectional models that allow investors to identify potential biases in management…

Bankruptcy PredictionCross-Sectional Projection ModelsDefault Risk AssessmentEntrepreneuershipFinancial AccountingManagement Forecast BiasesOptimismOverconfidencePre-Money ValuesStartupsValuationVenture Capital
Applications of Company Valuation Models (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Applications of Company Valuation Models

Empirical Evidence on Selected Topics


“One of the most important problems of corporate finance is the valuation of proprietary equities” as stated by Preinreich (1936).

Determining the economic value of a company is indeed an important theoretical and practical issue. The estimation of the true value of a company is essential for stock market investors, either professional or private. Only if he valuates a company accurately, can he assess whether it is over- or undervalued and make profitable…

AccrualsAsset PricingBetriebswirtschaftslehreBusiness CycleCash FlowDividend Discount ModelEarnings QualityFinanzenFinanzmanagementImplied Lost of CapitalMacroeconomic AnnouncementsRechnungswesenResidual Income ModelRisk PremiumSummary Measure
Stock Markets and Real-Time Macroeconomic Data (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Stock Markets and Real-Time Macroeconomic Data

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

It has been common practice in empirical studies to use revised macroeconomic data that are available to a researcher ex post for the analysis of historical time series. This practice, however, does not take into account that macroeconomic data are revised over time and that theses revisions can be substantial. Results of empirical analyses may change when data available at different periods are used. This raises the question of whether data availability has to be taken…

Evaluation of forecasting accuracyPerformance of investment strategiesPredictability of stock market volatilityPredictability of stock returnsProduction-based asset-pricing modelReal-time macroeconomic dataStock MarketsVolkswirtschaftslehre