Dissertation: Fotografieschutz im Wandel

Fotografieschutz im Wandel

Auswirkungen technischer, künstlerischer und rechtlicher Veränderungen auf den Urheberrechtsschutz von Fotografien

Studien zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und zum Urheberrecht, volume 147

Hamburg , 278 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9974-1 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09974-7 (eBook)


[…] Sie zeigt jedoch insgesamt die wenig stringente Rezeption des Unionsrechts, eine Vielzahl der damit verbundenen noch offenen Fragen und die Notwendigkeit auch normativer Lösungen auf, wenn denn die Differenzen innerhalb der Union und die Unsicherheiten im Fotografieschutz überwunden werden sollen. Sie bringt zudem eine Reihe beachtlicher rechtspolitischer Überlegungen zur Sprache.

About this book deutschenglish

Since their inception photographs and similar pictures have been the subject of legal debate. In the volume at hand, the author takes on current questions concerning photographs in copyright law: In a first step, the author examines how virtual photograms, photographs that have been subject to manipulation during development, and works of art at the intersection of photography and visual arts can be protected in German and European copyright law.

Building on the results from the first chapter, the second chapter investigates how European copyright law impacts the interplay between copyright protection and protection by related rights in German law. Photographs reproducing two-dimensional originals and simple photographs of three-dimensional objects are discussed in-depth. Additionally, the author explores whether the copyright protection for accidental photographs has been changed by European law. The study is limited to photographs and similar pictures, but the broader discussion on a European copyright work concept is included where appropriate.

The third chapter contains an analysis of German jurisdiction in order to analyze how the courts succeed in applying the different and often unwieldy criteria for copyright and related rights to photographs. The author looks at both a formal and a material reception of the requirements of Art. 6 Term Directive and the guidelines of the European Court of Justice. The author also analyses the suitability of the most established criteria used to distinguish between copyright protection and protection by related rights.

All three chapters contain a comparative inspection of British copyright law that, due to its nature as both common law and copyright law system, is fundamentally different from German law.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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