Stephan OttoDie Initiation in die schulische Praxis
Erstgespräche zwischen Studierenden und Ihren Mentor_innen und ihre Bedeutung als Grenzstelle im Professionalisierungsprozess
Studien zur Berufs- und Professionsforschung, volume 35
Hamburg 2018, 376 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9916-1 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09916-7 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Until now, the interaction between student teachers and their mentors in internships has only been analyzed in the context of formalized and compulsory meetings, such as the reflection of lessons. However, more informal situations in internships also seem to be important opportunities of learning and an essential condition for a successful internship.
This study focusses on initial interviews prior to internships in schools between mentors and their mentees at ten secondary schools in Northrhine-Westfalia. The data of this study was collected through participatory observation during the initial interviews as well as through focused interviews with student teachers, which were carried out after the initial conversation. By using the documentary method the data was analysed reconstructively and qualitatively.
The results of this qualitative-reconstructive study show that the initial interview is important for both student teachers and their mentors as it enables them to exchange expectations towards internships at schools. The membership of the student teachers during the internship is not defined by co-constructive processes but rather by unilateral actions of the mentors, who define the role of the students. To become a member of the school during the internship student teachers are required to accept and adapt to their mentors’ way of understanding professional teacher behavior.
The typologies which were reconstructed in context of this study show different specific ways of reconstruction of the defaults for the internships which are set by the university. It was possible to figure out how the relationship between mentors and mentees established and what defines them. Here it became obvious that schools perceive students either as an enrichment or as a burden for their daily routines. The typology of the initial interviews shows the ways in which the students dealt with the status passage as an intern.
Link des Autors
Universität Duisburg-Essen - Arbeitsgruppe Bildungsforschung
Dokumentarische MethodeErstgesprächeErziehungswissenschaftFokussierte InterviewsLehrer_innenbildungMentorMentoringPädagogikPraxisProfessionalisierungQualitative SozialforschungSchulpraktikaTeilnehmende BeobachtungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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