Ahmad SagheerDas Partizip in kontrastiver Sicht: Deutsch–Arabisch
Sprachwissenschaftlicher Beitrag für die arabische und deutsche Sprache
Schriften zur Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft, volume 24
Hamburg 2018, 290 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9906-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09906-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The purpose of this study is to analyse the contrastive syntax between the Arabic and German language, through a study of participles. Its primary aim is to explore the contrastive linguistics of both languages to facilitate the learning of Arabic and German with relative ease.
One would like to achieve this through the representations of the grammatical phenomenon known as "the past participle" among the Arabic and European/ German grammarians. You can summarize aspects of this grammatical phenomenon, organize and structure them systematically in terms of content. By doing so you will obtain a comprehensive overview of the contributions made by the old & modern Arab and European philologists on participles. The endeavour is to present these findings in a comprehensible manner.
The chief concern is how the participle is articulated by the native speaker of a language and how a translator will decipher this, in order to successfully convey the speaker’s discourse adequately and accurately. In addition, the present work wishes to pay special attention to the function of the participle, more precisely, to finding criteria for the applicability or inapplicability of the Arabic and German participle. Through this contrastive analysis of the participle in the two languages, this study aims to facilitate the learning of Arabic by Germans, and vice versa.
In the treatment of the participle in Arabic, special attention is paid to the genitive connection for various reasons which have been described in detail in the book. Furthermore, the participle in the so-called Nominal Rate Type II and its linguistic features will be dealt with. The denomination nominal type II is a term coined by the author in this work.
Another important aspect in the treatment of the participle in Arabic is the treatment of the participle in spoken Arabic using the example of Syrian dialect. Here, the question of how the participle is used or handled in contrast to the high Arabic in Syrian is addressed. And which linguistic peculiarities are associated with it, taking into account the principle of least effort, is discussed.
ArabischDeutschLinguistikPartizipPartizipiale KonstruktionSpracheSprachwissenschaftÜbersetzungswissenschaftIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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Studienvorbereitende Sprachkurse für Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Am Beispiel des „Deutschen Informations- und Studienzentrums (DIS)“ des Higher Institute of Languages an der Universität Aleppo / Syrien
Hamburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8300-9947-5 (Print) | ISBN 978-3-339-09947-1 (eBook)