Siemen SchmidtDer Fan als Finanzierungsinstrument in der Krise
Eine cluster-basierte Analyse alternativer Finanzierungsinstrumente in den deutschen Fußball-Bundesligen
Sportökonomie in Forschung und Praxis, volume 18
Hamburg 2018, 134 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9894-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09894-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Does the maxima higher, faster, further apply to every football club in Germany, Europe and the world? For elite clubs, it seems that there are actually no limits regarding transfer fees, salaries or revenues from commercialization. But what about clubs who cannot be assigned to a champions cluster? So what about those regional, average and below-average clubs whose history and tradition often are the only assets remaining?
Economic crisis in the market of professional football are no peripheral phenomenon, although they are rarely discussed publicly. One of the key reasons for still exceptionally high survival rates of football companies are stakeholder bailouts in the surrounding of sports. Out of various reasons, inter alia, sugar daddies, sponsors, the public authorities or fans support the club in crisis by injecting capital in order to achieve a turnaround.
Also in German professional football, essentially fans – looking out for emotional return on investments - are available as reliable crisis and growth funder. Fan bonds in order to establish a new youth training center, a crowdfunding campaign to secure the club’s league license or donations to close a threatening liquidity gap – all those examples are definitely not seldom anymore. But don’t football clubs often overlook the needs of that special group whose commitment and passion can be seen as the foundation of football’s extraordinary standing in the world?
Siemen Schmidt explores the attitudes and preferences of fans of the 36 German professional football clubs in the 2016-17 season concerning crisis funding of their favorite club. Learn about the critical success factors for fan financing projects and find answers to questions such as whether fans are all equal or why the German football league should pay more attention to a responsible management of fan financing projects.
BundesligaCorporate Social ResponsibilityCSRFan-AnleihenFan-FinanzierungFanforschungFinanzierungFinanzierungsinstrumentFußballFußball-BundesligaKriseRestrukturierungSanierungSoft Budget ContraintsSportSportökonomieStakeholder BailoutIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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