Doktorarbeit: Zukünftige Kreislaufwirtschaftskonzepte für biogene Abfälle

Zukünftige Kreislaufwirtschaftskonzepte für biogene Abfälle

Identifikation, Analyse und Bewertung am Beispiel der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg

Schriftenreihe technische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 27

Hamburg , 286 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9676-4 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09676-0 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Caused by increasing green house gas emissions and decreasing fossil resources processes to avoid harm to the environment as well as preserve resources also in the field of waste management gain progressively on importance. In the waste management sector the idea closed loop recycling management is focused more and more. Aim of this thesis is therefore the development of a methodology to identify, model, analyse and evaluate current and prospective closed loop recycling management systems for bio and garden waste, waste wood and foliage. The developed methodology is applied under the conditions of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. First of all the current system is analysed and modelled for the base year 2012. The analysis and evaluation of prospective closed loop recycling management systems is performed by a scenario analysis for the year 2030. A Reference- , a Fuel Production-, an Electricity Production and a Material Recycling Scenario are defined. In these scenarios the biogenic waste streams are treated by mechanical treatment, composting, dry fermentation, incineration as well as gasification and hydrothermal carbonisation. Assessment takes place by evaluation of technological, economical and ecological parameters. For technological evaluation a material, an energetical and an exergetical waste utilisation factor are defined. The economic assessment takes place by cost calculation using the methodology of annuity. As evaluation parameter costs for utilisation of the waste for processes and systems are calculated. During ecological assessment net emissions are calculated by a life cycle assessment for the impact categories “climate change”, “acidification” and “eutrophication”. Subsequently the results of the scenarios are compared with each other as well as with the results of the current system. By changing frame conditions the presented methodology can be used for other municipalities and other cities as well as other waste streams.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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