Forschungsarbeit: Deutsch-italienische Eiszeit. Der Presse-Krieg Juli 1934 bis Mai 1935

Deutsch-italienische Eiszeit. Der Presse-Krieg Juli 1934 bis Mai 1935

Eine Dokumentation

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zur Geschichtsforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts, volume 16

Hamburg , 122 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9670-2 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-09670-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Already from the beginning Mussolini had strong reservations against Hitler. He had an underlying fear of a German hegemony in Europe and with that a threat for Italy. Shortly after the first meeting of the two dictators in Venice there came two events that poisened the relationship between the two countries.

After the bloody murderous repression of the so called Röhm-Putsch and the murder of the Austrian chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß the ‚Duce‘ startet an inflammatory campaign against the Nationalsocialism and the Germans in general. All negative stereotypes that Mussolini had already used in the First World War came to surfice.

In the first place the press attacked the ideas of a superiority of the German race. Against that Mussolini set the superiority of ancient Rome and the ‚Latinity“ of Italy and France. Hitler was accused to exchange christianity against a pagan-germanic religion and the roman law against a germanic law.

There was a polemic against ‚pan-germanic‘ endavours to annex former Habsburgian territories in Northern Italy like South Tirol and Triest. The Italian press fought with all means against the ‚Anschluss‘ of Austria, by which Germany would move forward to the Brenner frontier.

The German press reacted with attacks against Italy with claims that the real upholders of civilization in the mediterranium were the Germanics. The newspapers reminded the Italians of the victory of Arminius in the Varus-battle and of the „treason“, breaking the treaties with Germany in the First World War. But the polemic never reached the offensiveness of the Italian press-war. Hitler refrained because he still wanted to win Italy as an ally.

The ice age between the two countries lasted for nearly a year, from July 1934 to May 1935. The end came when Italy was isolated after its attack on Abessinia. After France and England started sanctions against Italy, for Mussolini there was only the unloved Germany left.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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