Forschungsarbeit: Werbe(fach)sprache und Übersetzen

Werbe(fach)sprache und Übersetzen

Analyse, Vergleich und Übersetzbarkeit deutscher und englischer Werbetexte

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Angewandte Linguistik aus interdisziplinärer Sicht, volume 49

Hamburg , 150 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9566-8 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-09566-4 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Advertising – sometimes it is bold and simple, sometimes it is mysterious and inscrutable. As a form of strategic communication, advertisement’s messages seem to follow certain patterns in order to convince us to consume the products being advertised. But how can we categorize and investigate advertisement as a form of communication? Are there significant differences between cultures as to how advertising language is used? If so, does that result in problems when translating ad copy and if so, how can we solve those problems? To answer these questions, the author looks at different approaches to analyzing marketing communication and presents the latest research. Typical components in advertising texts as well as different advertising objectives and strategies are discussed. Referring to online advertising, the author outlines the most recent developments in research into media and advertising effectiveness. Another chapter analyzes the characteristics and patterns of advertising texts from a linguistic perspective. Using German and English advertising brochures for photographic equipment as a basis, the author investigates cultural differences in the use of language on various levels. The results of this examination are then used to look at typical problems that are encountered when translating advertising texts. Four categories of problems and their solutions are discussed and illustrated using examples taken from the photography brochures. While the English-German pairing is in the spotlight, the problems discussed can occur in translating between any languages. In a later chapter, the author also looks at different tools and resources which can be used for quality assurance and improvement when translating advertising texts. Last but not least, there is discussion of how translators should calculate their fees for this kind of service.

Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of this book, it is particularly suitable for translators looking for a practical guide when dealing with PR and advertising texts. It provides an answer to many basic problems faced by translators working in the field of transcreation, i.e. the creative translation of advertisement.


Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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