Stefan PeplowskyIntegration von subjektiven Qualitätsanforderungen in die Kaufentscheidung zur Vermeidung von Fehlbewertungen
Cottbuser Schriften zum Qualitätsmanagement, volume 6
Hamburg 2017, 224 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9387-9 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09387-5 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The development of the Internet and the rapid exchange of information have led to the huge change of the purchase decision process. In order for a purchase decision to be positive, the customer has to see his requirements fulfilled when purchasing a product. The variety of product range makes it more difficult for the customer to make a decision. He or she is challenged by choosing the right purchase decision out of the surplus of products. Additionally, it is even more difficult for most of the customers to decide solely on the basis of objective product characteristics. Objective product characteristics are actual characteristics and not determinable by personal and external perceptions features. A possibility to facilitate the search for products could be a product selection support in form of an online product advice. This current research project deals with the development of an online product advice which additionally to existing product advices captures not only objective characteristics but also subjective characteristics. The project aims for facilitating the customer’s selection decision by designing perceptions and sensations objectively and making them measurable. For this purpose, specific customer requirements are being taken into consideration regarding the product selection support.
In order to make this possible the requirements to an online product advice were defined initially. Afterwards suppliers of existing online product advices were analyzed. To identify client requirements for online product advices an empirical study in the form of a survey was carried out by the Kano method in addition.
Afterwards three progressive surveys on customer requirements were exemplary performed on the product group motorcycle. The first survey was used to generate inclusion of requirements on a motorcycle. These requirements were grouped and classified as part of a relevance rating into four different clusters of customer groups with different requirements of the product. Within the third survey, the subjective requirements were evaluated by the respondents.
All recorded data also offer companies an added value, as they can appropriately use the customer requirements for the individual design of their products. Using all survey results a tool to simplify the purchasing decision for the customer has been created. To evaluate the elaborated concept, the assignability to another product (coffee machine) has been successfully checked.
AnforderungsmanagementDatenbankFehlbewertungKaufentscheidungKundenprofileProduktberatungQualitätsanforderungQualitätsmanagementSubjektive AnforderungenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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