Studie: Das Ukraine-Bild in Deutschland: Die Rolle der russischen Medien

Das Ukraine-Bild in Deutschland: Die Rolle der russischen Medien

Wie Russland die deutsche Öffentlichkeit beeinflusst

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zur internationalen Politik, volume 51

Hamburg , 186 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9120-2 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09120-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Against the backdrop of the Ukraine conflict, Russia has intensified its influence on the spread of information on Russian politics in Germany. In the last few years, the Russian government has massively extended its state media and created an expansive network of partners around the globe to spread their view of Ukraine. In Germany, the Russian media’s network of German and Russian experts and supporters eagerly circulate official Russian views in the media and try to influence the public image of Ukraine.

The central question of “The Role of the Russian Media in the German Image of Ukraine” is: How successful have Russia and its network of influencers been in shaping the German public opinion of the Ukraine conflict? And which opinion leaders, institutions and factors play the biggest roles? After analyzing over 50 actors in Russia’s information network, Dr. Susanne Spahn explains how the Russian foreign media’s network operates in Germany and how it propagates Russia’s image of Ukraine through Russian media reports and relevant German publications. Following current events (the case of Lisa) and using ca. 500 German and Russian media sources, the study offers important insight into the facts about how this network is spreading misinformation while influencing the German public. This innovative study is the first of its kind in Germany and gives readers new insight into the world of Russian politics and its manipulation of public opinion in foreign countries.


Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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