Doktorarbeit: Konsistente Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung extern verursachter Unternehmenskrisen

Konsistente Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung extern verursachter Unternehmenskrisen

Das Beispiel kleiner und mittlerer deutscher Zulieferer der Automobilindustrie in der Absatzkrise 2008/2009

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Strategisches Management, volume 191

Hamburg , 398 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9074-8 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09074-4 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Corporate crises have always embodied an existential threat to organizations and are more relevant than ever since the periods of economic growth in many countries seem to be over. The economic crisis 2008/2009 was one of the most severe economic slumps during the last decades and issued enormous challenges to the organizations. In this publication it will be explored, in how far a specific choice of measures and in particular their alignment in terms of consistent measures i.e. measures that do not contradict, can make a contribution to cope with an acute corporate crisis successfully. The focus of this work is primary not the numerous short- and long-term financial and liquidity-oriented and performance-related crisis management measures, but rather the interactions and target conflicts (inconsistencies) between the measures. Therefore, possible crisis management measures of the investment and finance theory and explanations of the strategic management are identified and systematized, analyzed by the speed of implementation plus their effects and the formation of consistent crisis management strategies is brought into question. The considerations will be complemented by the approach of ambidexterity of the strategic management that makes a valuable contribution to the management of the indissoluble inconsistencies. Case studies of small- and medium-sized German automotive suppliers that were particularly hard hit by the economic crisis 2008/2009 give practical insight.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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