Martin FuchsAnalyse der Anti-Korruptionsmaßnahmen im Rahmen der EU-Agrarpolitik
Am Beispiel der Förderperiode 2014–2020
Schriftenreihe agrarwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 64
Hamburg 2016, 112 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9056-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09056-0 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Analysis of anti-corruption measures as a part of the EU agricultural policy - The example of the funding period 2014 - 2020 Although the nature and scope of corruption may differ from one State to another, it harms every society, including European societies as a whole. Corruption is a complex phenomenon with economic, social, political and cultural dimensions. In its February 2014 report, the European Commission estimates that the economic costs incurred by corruption in the EU possibly amount to EUR 120 billion per year. The report further shows that the nature and scope of corruption varies from one Member State to another and it also shows that corruption deserves greater attention in all EU Member States.
The focus in this work reflects on the anti-corruption efforts of the European Commission in the context of subsidies spent to farmers and for different kind of measures to endorse the rural development. Still more than 40% of the EU Budget is spent for both agricultural funds (EAGF and EARFD).
AgrarpolitikAnti-KorruptionAnti-KorruptionsmaßnahmenBescheinigende StelleBürokratieCOSOEGFLELEREU-AgrarpolitikEuropäische KommissionEuropäische UnionGAPInternationale PrüfungsstandardsKorruptionNeue InstitutionenökonomieSubventionenZahlstelleIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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