Doktorarbeit: Städtische Nahverkehrsmittel in London und Berlin, 1830–1914

Städtische Nahverkehrsmittel in London und Berlin, 1830–1914

Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, volume 92

Hamburg , 338 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9050-2 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09050-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

In the 19th century, many towns flourished unexpectedly. The rise in the population was accompanied by the geographic extension of the urban space. The new dimensions of the cities with their now separating living and workplaces formed a completely new functionality of the city. This development made a revolution of inner-city traffic inevitable, especially in metropolises such as London and Berlin.

The urban public transport had a serious influence on the design of roads and urban space which makes it an essential part of the history of the European cities in the 19th century. Since the creation of this public transport until the present time, it has transformed significantly the life in Berlin and London. These means of transportation had a serious influence on the design of roads and urban space and therefore is an essential part of the history of the European cities in the 19th century.Base on that, this dissertation examined On the base of that, the formation of the urban transport in the cities of London and Berlin is examined from the introduction of the bus, the tram, the “Ringbahn” and “Stadtbahn” to the “Hochbahn” and the underground railway. It focuses on the decision-making and development processes that led to the introduction of the public transport. These are particularly the role of the state and local government institutions and, the influence of private companies, interest groups and the public opinion which are seen as the center of investigation. The book shows and compares the initiatives of the various actors, their motivations, plans and influences in both cities, and, researches the argumentation of the state, local government and private companies which trace the emergence of the urban public transport.

Kontakt zur Autorin

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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