Forschungsarbeit: Informationsfreiheit im verwaltungsgerichtlichen Verfahren am Beispiel der Finanzmarktaufsicht

Informationsfreiheit im verwaltungsgerichtlichen Verfahren am Beispiel der Finanzmarktaufsicht

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zum Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht, volume 9

Hamburg , 94 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8966-7 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-08966-3 (eBook)


[...] Die fundierte, kurz und prägnant abgefasste Analyse ist, wie Daniela Winkler im Vorwort schreibt [...], in der Tat "nicht nur für den Wissenschaftler, sondern auch für den praktischen Anwender und sogar für den Gesetzgeber interessant". [...]

Ludwig Gramlich in: Wertpapier-Mitteilungen, WM 30 (2016)

About this book deutschenglish

On a daily basis, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) deals with investors who have suffered losses and thus are requesting information. Those requests often serve as preparation for damage claims lawsuits against bankrupt credit institutions and financial service providers.

With an eye to the corporate secrets of these institutions, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority is refusing to provide information. To protect any sensitive data, the Authority will deliver a declaration to the administrative court that the Authority will not comply with its legal duty to submit this information. The incamera procedure is based on this declaration.

In this text, it is explained when such a declaration may be submitted. Furthermore, the structural shortcomings of the in-camera procedure are shown. If the court actions are brought in order to get access to the data in question, these shortcomings are especially obvious.

The courts only grant permission to issue such a declaration when very strict criteria are fulfilled. This is heavily criticised by many scholars and the European Court of Justice. Additionally, the in-camera procedure is mainly shaped by the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court. These decisions are going to be presented and analysed. Aside from that, the in-camera is going to be compared to the proceedings according to § 138 TKG. Based on this, an original solution will be developed.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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