Dissertation: Emotionen in Verhandlungen

Emotionen in Verhandlungen

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement, volume 5

Hamburg , 348 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8937-7 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08937-3 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Negotiations are ubiquitous in human life. While the concept of “homo oeconomicus” has long governed negotiation theory, more recently, researchers have shed a light on the less rational side of negotiators – notably on emotions.

However, subtle aspects such as emotions are perceived in negotiations as an extraordinary challenge for management, as they are difficult to grasp and quantify. Even more so since defiance or negligence of emotions can lead to disruption or deadlock in negotiations entailing serious repercussions for the companies involved. A thorough examination of emotions in negotiations is hence indispensable. The objective of the author is therefore to provide the reader with a profound insight into the influence of emotions in negotiations. Furthermore, Martina Pesic develops a method that allows accurate and objective measurement of emotions in the moment they occur. In order to ensure a comprehensive examination, she analyzes both the negotiators themselves and all further relevant components that influence the results of the negotiation. In particular, she examines the following research questions:

    Research question 1:

  • What influence do emotions have on the outcome of negotiations (especially on the effectiveness and efficiency of negotiations)?
  • Research question 2:

  • How do emotions indirectly affect the negotiation results via further parameters (especially the negotiation medium, the size of the negotiation party and the gender of the negotiators)?
  • Research question 3:

  • Are there differences in the way emotions influence the negotiation outcome depending on the phase of the negotiation process in which they occur?

By answering these research questions Martina Pesic offers profound insights into the importance of emotions in negotiations. The insights obtained help both, to further advance in the field of research on negotiations from a theoretical perspective and to give further guidance and support on how to manage complex negotiations in practice.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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