Forschungsarbeit: Trendsport und Realsozialismus

Trendsport und Realsozialismus

Die Sportart Karate in der DDR

Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, volume 99

Hamburg , 322 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8860-8 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08860-4 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The public and academic discussion regarding sports in the former GDR is mainly dominated by certain terms such as “high-performance sport”, “doping” and the influence of the “Ministry of State Security of the GDR”. So, the non-high-performance sport as a research area was not considered adequately by the public until now.

This study focusses on the informal sport activities in the former GDR. That means that those sports will be taken into account which were not organized or controlled by the government. These sports were mostly developed and practiced by sportsmen as well as sportswomen who acted apart from any governmental legitimation or even control. The informal practiced sports in the former GDR provide the opportunity to analyse and represent the history of sports as a complex social and cultural phenomenon.

The development and practice of the martial art Karate, which was considered to be illegal in the former GDR, shall be extensively described and represented, because it shows the discrepancy between a rather democratically self-organised kind of sport in contrast to the centralised sports system in the former GDR. The governmental attempts concerning the prevention, control and the persecution shall be portrayed as well.

Kontakt zum Autor

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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