Dissertation: Führungskultur als Erfolgsfaktor

Führungskultur als Erfolgsfaktor

Eine explorative Studie zur Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Führungsleitbildes

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Führung und Führungskräfte, volume 6

Hamburg , 286 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8728-1 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08728-7 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

This book is an excellent practical guide and companion for executives who want to actively shape the management and corporate culture, and thereby the future of their company or organization. A positive management culture motivates employees, is attractive for talented young employees of the Generation Y and helps the management of companies to succeed in the competition for qualified employees.

This book will give you valuable advice and recommendations to shape the management and corporate culture by means of the holistic mission statement developed by the author. Initially, it provides economic and cultural basic topics and clarifies the systemic relationship of management and corporate culture. In addition, it presents ten success factors for the shaping of management and corporate culture. The highlighted success factors support executives and employees to positively shape the corporate culture by their lived thought and action patterns.

The holistic mission statement was developed in an exploratory way and confirmed by the executive management in a US-based consulting firm in the context of applied field research. The mission statement is designed so that it can be used as a normative instrument for shaping corporate culture in companies and organizations of different sizes and industries.

The author Heiko Kroll is a successful management consultant and with this book has taken up a topical subject. Using a variety of methods, he has succeeded in creating a link between different leadership, management and cultural theories and the challenges executives face in professional practice. Therefore, this book is a valuable reading for executives of today.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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