Dissertation: Analyse der Entwicklung von Serial Entrepreneurs aus Hightech-Branchen

Analyse der Entwicklung von Serial Entrepreneurs aus Hightech-Branchen

– mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Human- und Sozialkapital

Schriften zur Existenz- und Unternehmensgründung, volume 4

Hamburg , 534 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8635-2 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08635-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

German-speaking scholars are not really concerned with serial entrepreneurs, e.g. persons who have founded more than one company. The author has recognised this research gap: In this book she theoretically and empirically explores serial entrepreneurs from the high-tech sector – biotechnology, IT, industry and engineering. She investigates the human capital and the social capital of the serial entrepreneurs with its evolution during the foundation of their companies. The processes of entrepreneurial learning are considered as well. The scientific study bases upon the analysis of more than 400 sources of literature from Europe and America as well as in-depth interviews with 21 serial entrepreneurs. The research design is a qualitative one, in which methods of qualitative content analysis and case study research are applied.

The interviewed serial entrepreneurs are characterised in portraits: Here, their entrepreneurial development, the changes of their human and social capital, the motivation for serial entrepreneurship, and the reasons for the exit from their companies are identified and described. The author draws industry-sector-specific conclusions and points out interdisciplinary factors, which, amongst others, could be relevant for the success of the serial entrepreneurs and their firms. In the conclusion research implications and recommendations for scholarship and practice are given.

The book addresses scholars, professors, and students from the fields of entrepreneurship, business administration, and the natural and engineering sciences. Entrepreneurs, managers, and foundation consultants in the high-technology field can gain interesting insights from this book as well.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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