Alexander SteinforthGegenwart und Zukunft von Eigentumsstrukturen im deutschen und englischen Fußball unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Komponente
Sportrecht in Forschung und Praxis, volume 18
Hamburg 2015, 452 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8625-3 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08625-9 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Comparing England and Germany, the extent to which investors are legally allowed to buy shares in football clubs differs significantly: whereas there are hardly any ownership restrictions in England and Wales, the German football associations’ so called ‘50+1’ rule severely limits the opportunity for investors to buy shares in any club in Germany’s top football leagues. This book takes a close look at the legal as well as economical dimensions of the two football systems. Key questions that are being answered in this context are: Which legal forms can football investors in Germany and England choose from? What are strengths and weaknesses of those legal forms – from the fans’, clubs’ and investors’ point of view? Which football system is more open towards investors? And: What should ‘good’ ownership structures look like? Another focus of this book is on the lawfulness of the ‘50+1’-rule in German football. Are these ownership restrictions in line with European law? And if the answer to this question is ‘yes’: are problematic cases, such as VfL Wolfsburg, TSG Hoffenheim or RB Leipzig, compatible with the law of associations of the German Football Association (DFB) and the German Football League (DFL/Ligaverband)? The book closes with an extensive analysis of potential measures on national as well as international level that might help to end the alleged ‘ownership crises’ in European football. The focus of this part is on modelling a future-proof ‘ownership law’ for football clubs in Germany and England.about the author
Dr Alexander Steinforth studied Law at the universities of Muenster (Germany) as well as Oxford and Cambridge (England). He worked for the Boston Consulting Group and Rocket Internet before he moved into Premier League football.Link des Autors
BeteiligungsrechtClub OwnershipDeutscher FußballEnglisches RechtFußballFußballclubsRechtswissenschaftSportpolitikSportrechtVerbandsrechtWirtschaftsrecht„50+1“-RegelIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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