Forschungsarbeit: Von der Diktatur zur Demokratie – 70 Jahre Frieden in Europa

Von der Diktatur zur Demokratie – 70 Jahre Frieden in Europa

Auf Spurensuche

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zur Sozialisationsforschung, volume 6

Hamburg , 150 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8566-9 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08566-5 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

This book is intriguing. It illustrates how society and the individual as a member of that society can forge a peaceful co-existence in human dignity. It differs from the norm and as few books do, it not only describes past events, but also systematically derives lessons to be learned for the future. A standard work and 'MUST' for all parents and professional groups involved in teaching, education, childcare, social work, pastoring and other sectors. It sharpens our awareness of disharmony, tensions, conflicts, escalations and other issues that arise between individuals in communal life and helps to identify issues early on, and to resolve and settle them. Approaches for keeping the peace and thus preserving normality, prosperity and success are demonstrated.

Each chapter concludes with an analysis or social DNA quest resulting in entirely new perceptions. It is amazing that seventy years on, Germany is a model of successful democratization and has regained its standing in the international community. Of crucial importance was the mutual cooperation of the Western Allies with the German population in the change to democracy.

Special attention is devoted to the United States of America, which spearheaded allied efforts. One example is America's development program, the Marshall Plan, which brought about the so-called economic miracle in the wake of the currency reform. Not to forget free school meals, care packages and clothes donations by the American population to Germans in need. America's gallant commitment ultimately led to an internalized democracy of freedom, peace and prosperity. Even after the First World War, the Americans with President Wilson at the helm sought a socially acceptable approach for the German population to gain their support for permanent peace in a democratic Europe. Regrettably it did come to pass as the idea was rejected by the other world powers. Wilson wanted to establish a peace for all time without victors and vanquished. He wanted to give the defeated Germans a second chance within a democratic road map for lasting peace.

Adolf Stegmiller has written a significant book that reveals important insights into the social dimension of human experience and behavior, linked with valuable guidelines for a peaceful co-existence.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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