Gunter M. RotheOrganisms – More Than Chemistry
Schriftenreihe naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 84
Hamburg 2015, 320 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8408-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08408-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
This book aims to present recent scientific findings on the different organizational levels present in biological organisms. Besides the chemical level the physical level is of special importance in biological systems. Organisms are able to generate electromagnetic frequencies that reach from very low frequencies through to visible light. They exert fast regulating and controlling functions. Light photons in organisms, biophotons, need not to be chaotic but can have laser-like properties. Special subcellular structures like those in active mitochondria are able to transfer chaotic biophotons into ordered states. Microtubules can guide laser-like light across cells and from cell to cell, immediately transferring information. A paradigm change in biology also happens in molecular genetics. The DNA in cells of higher organisms is no longer considered to be the command post. Rather the DNA is considered to resemble more the memory of a computer that is regulated by the software. In case of cells the software is thought to be the biological electromagnetic field. That is why genes will be dealt with that code for proteins inclusively at that level. The epigenetic level that mediates between protein genes and the environment is important. Morphologic structures can also be viewed from an electro-magnetic perspective. The different organizational levels of organisms are under the regime of information. According to the mathematical and quantum physical considerations of the physicist Burkard Heim, information is stored in transcendent dimensions. From here it is transferred in time into our three-dimensional world and subsequently into organisms. This concept is expanded here within our knowledge of biological systems.Keywords
BiophotonenBiophysikBurkhard HeimElektromagnetische FelderEpigenetikInformationOrganismenZellorganelleIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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