Friederike StumpeParallele Verfahren in der privaten Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und bei Investitionsschutzstreitigkeiten
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des lis pendens Prinzips
Studien zum Internationalen Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht sowie zum UN-Kaufrecht, volume 64
Hamburg 2015, 246 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8342-9 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08342-5 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The growth of the number of international commercial and investment arbitration proceedings with increasingly complex facts and contracts also leads to a growing number of parallel proceedings. In the course of the recent modernization of many sets of arbitration rules, instruments for the consolidation of connected arbitration proceedings were introduced, which however are not exhaustive and mainly require the parties’ cooperation. National legislation and case law follow different approaches when it comes to the treatment of competing arbitration proceedings and parallel proceedings before arbitral tribunals and state courts. The author examines whether it is possible to apply the lis pendens principle in the different constellations of parallel proceedings. The author starts by analysing the relationship between state courts and private arbitral tribunals and the relationship between different arbitral tribunals. She then continues to address parallel proceedings before state courts and investment arbitration tribunals and before different investment arbitration tribunals. The analysis begins with an overview of the principles applied in national legal frameworks to avoid parallel proceedings and how they are applied in cross-border disputes. The author then examines to what extent these principles can be applied to the just described constellations of parallel proceedings. The author concludes with suggestions how to prevent parallel proceedings. These suggestions aim at strengthening arbitration as a dispute resolution method and at helping investment arbitration out of ist legitimacy crisis.Keywords
HandelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeitInvestitionsschutzInvestitionsschutzrechtKompetenzLis Pendensparallele VerfahrenRechtshängigkeitssperreRechtskraftRechtswissenschaftRes JudicataSchiedsspruchSchiedsvereinbarungSchiedsverfahrenSchiedsverfahrensrechtIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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