Jobst C. KniggeAngst vor Deutschland – Mussolinis Deutschlandbild
Schriften zur Geschichtsforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts, volume 9
Hamburg 2015, 256 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8340-5 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08340-1 (eBook)
[…] Die vielfältigen, quellennah recherchierten Facetten des Deutschlandbildes fügt Knigge unter zentralen Leitperspektiven zu einem in sich stimmigen Gesamteindruck zusammen.[…] Angesichts dieser wechselseitigen, geschichtlich begründeten Hassliebe zwischen beiden Völkern vor allem bis 1945 ist es besonders verdienstvoll, dass der Autor nach seinem 2012 erschienen Buch »Hitlers Italienbild« nun das Deutschlandbild Mussolinis als das »entsprechende Pendant« vorlegt.
[…] Jobst Knigge hat ein sehr nutzerfreundliches Buch geschrieben. Selbst wenn es dem Fachmann kaum etwas Neues bietet, wird es der historisch interessierte Leser aufgrund seiner sorgfältig dokumentierten Fülle an Informationen nach der Lektüre mit Gewinn aus der Hand legen.
[…] Man könnte sogar sagen, dass sich Hitler mit Mussolini aus Unkenntnis der italienischen Geschichte, Kultur und des Nationalcharakters sowie falscher Einschätzung seines Deutschlandbilds verbündete, Mussolini hingegen diesen Schritt trotz seiner genauen Kenntnis Deutschlands, seiner Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte sowie einer realistischen Einschätzung Hitlers tat. […]
About this book deutschenglish
When Mussolini in 1936 declared the Axis with Germany and three years later entered a military alliance it was not for the love of his nordic neighbour. His predominant feelings for Germany besides admiration for its culture and economic efficiency were fear, suspicion and even hatred. Since the time of the Kaiser Germany was for him a source of militarism and expansionism also pointed against Italy. During the First World War he preached hatred against the Reich and contributed to push Italy into the War.
Already during his youth in his Swiss exile and in the then Austrian province of Trento he came in touch with German culture, and learnt the German language. A lifelong deep interest in German literature and philosophy developed. But his feelings towards the Germans as people were negative. He criticized striving for the Absolute, lack of moderation, pigheadedness, lack of improvisation, lack of phantasy and humanity.
He rejected the racial theories circulating in Germany that presented the Nordic race as superior to the Mediterranean Italian people. In the Weimar Republic he saw an underlying continuity of militarism. He feared that Italy might lose the just won South Tirol with its German speaking majority. For a long time he fought against the Anschluss. Austria should build a bulwark against the menacing nordic neighbour. At the beginning he rejected Hitler’s courting and denied the common sources of Fascism and National Socialism. Only Italy’s international isolation after the invasion of Ethiopia pushed Mussolini into Hitler’s arms. But for three further years he resisted the calls for a formal military alliance.
During his visit to Germany in 1937 he was surprised by the political, economic and military power the Reich had developed in only four years, and he started to imitate certain elements, including the discrimination of the Jews. But as the smaller partner he feared a German hegemony in Europe and an interference in the Italian zones of interest. To participate in the war gains he entered ill prepared in the battle. In spite of all the military setbacks he kept his alliance with Hitler. At the end happened exactly what he had feared since the beginning. Italy was occupied by the German army and the northern provinces were practically annexed to the overpowering Reich.
Adolf HitlerBenito MussoliniDeutschlandbildFaschismusFriedrich NietzscheMilitarismusNationalsozialismusRasseRepubblica Sociale ItalianaIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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