Forschungsarbeit: Buchmarkt und Literaturpolitik zur Zeit der Militärdiktatur in Griechenland 1967–1974

Buchmarkt und Literaturpolitik zur Zeit der Militärdiktatur in Griechenland 1967–1974

Das Beispiel des Verlags Stochastes

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zur Kulturgeschichte, volume 33

Hamburg , 118 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8312-2 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-08312-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

It is the first time that a study in book market and politics of literature focuses on the publishing house Stochastes in Athens at the time of the military dictatorship in Greece. Much of the research is based on private statements by the publisher Loukas Axelos. The most interesting period and the results of the study are valuable for science and for a broader reading public as well.

The last military dictatorship in Greece began in April 1967 and lasted until July 1974. Its beginning and its end were equally bloody. The Greek colonels presented themselves as 'rescuers' of Greece and they 'had to set the land in plaster because it was ill' as the dictator Papadopoulos claimed. This would be Greece's rescue from the danger which would come from the north. However, there was neither any existence of such a threat nor was the new situation accepted by the Greek people. Following the abrupt end of democracy, arrests of politicians, writers and many who belonged in the public bond occurred and tortures, imprisonment and restriction of freedom were imposed.

In the present book, not only the historical context of the relevant timespan is sketched, but attention is focused on the following questions: “What was the book market like during the last dictatorship in Greece?”, “Which editors published at all and under which conditions?”, “How many chronological phases of censorship occurred?” Additional questions relate to conjectures between Greece and Germany with respect to the treated subject-matter.

As an example for illustrating the conditions, the “Stochastes” publishing house, founded by Loukas Axelos in 1969 – i.e. during the period of military dictatorship – is considered in detail which until today is reputed for independent and sophisticated literature. “What were the beginnings?”, “How could the publishing house overcome resistances and establish itself?”, “Which factors supported the establishment of such publishing houses during the military dictatorship?”

Furthermore, besides a brief summary of the establishment of smaller publishing houses such as Keimena and Kalvos, the further publishing houses Kedros and Hestia existing at the time are introduced.


Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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