Forschungsarbeit: A Culture of Awakening Versus a Culture of Egocentrism

A Culture of Awakening Versus a Culture of Egocentrism

An Inquiry into the Notions of the ‘Self‘ and the ‘Other‘ with Special Emphasis on the Concept of ‘Self‘ in Buddhism

– in englischer Sprache –

Komparative Philosophie und Interdisziplinäre Bildung (KoPhil), volume 2

Hamburg , 198 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8259-0 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08259-6 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Even if the title of the book sounds provocative, its content and way of thinking are never aggressive. Originally from India and a member of a catholic monastery in Vienna, the author’s activities have been centred in Europe for the past decades. The main theme of the book is a confrontation of the basic structures of thinking in philosophy from East and West. Self, ego, activity, passivity, relation of subject and object etc., these basic conceptions are shown in their long historic development of Asian and occidental philosophy in phenomena of enormous differentiations. The author changes his position and viewpoint between the philosophies of East and West, a fruitful interaction and community developing in every discourse.

Therefore, the Culture of Awakening is not in opposition to a culture of ego-strength, ego-effort and ego-power. Rather, the latter is finally enveloped, while the author – notwithstanding his tolerant mentality – does not lose a sharp insight into the essential core of the cultures and exposes a number of interactions between them. A meaningful intra-relation of philosophy can be stipulated as the basic question to be solved between author and reader in a mutual, invisible communication based on a high level of intellectuality.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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Der Machiavellismus von Ost und West

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Hamburg , ISBN 978-3-8300-7212-6 (Print) | ISBN 978-3-339-07212-2 (eBook)