Susanne SchmitzGeotourismus in der Eifel
Konzepte, Auswirkungen und Perspektiven
GEOGRAPHICA – Schriftenreihe Geowissenschaften und Geographie, volume 12
Hamburg 2015, 576 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8204-0 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08204-6 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
To ensure that the geological potential of landscapes can be made sustainable use of in the field of tourism, the geo-tourism for laypeople (families with children and ”Best-Agers“) that has only been oriented towards scientific disciplines up to now must be made available. The study entitled "Geotourism in the Eifel – Concepts, Effects, and Perspectives" is an example of how this topic is dealt with. As part of this dissertation, a study was conducted on the previously existing geo-touristic concepts at the Vulkaneifel Nature and Geopark in light of individually developed criteria catalogs that are based on current subject literature. Included amongst the concepts in existence to date are the six GeoMuseums and both the geo-paths and geo-path boards. In addition, 500 tourists and 191 visitors to the GeoMuseums were asked to fill out a standardized questionnaire asking about their reasons for visiting Vulkaneifel and their opinions of the exhibitions presented there at the GeoMuseums. On site interviews with both the agents and the company operators in the catering and accommodation industry rounded out the study. So as to be able to make it possible to develop future geo-touristic concepts in a target-oriented manner, the origin and composition of the visitors were determined according to gender and age by means of respective one-week automobile and visitor counts in 2011 and 2012. Some light was shed on the marketing concept of the nature and geopark with respect to its print and Internet presence as well as its networking with other tourist organizations. The results of the mentioned studies were compared to the results of an evaluation of the accommodation statistics gathered by community and district administrations located in and around the near vicinity of the Vulkaneifel Nature and Geopark from 1985 to 2012. In order to allow geo-tourism to be able to contribute to the future of sustainable regional development, examples for practical implementation – based on the findings obtained by the study and the resulting recommendations for action – were developed. These can also be applied to other natural and geoparks.Keywords
AnthropogeographieBeherbergungsstatistikBesucherzählungEifelGeo-PfadeGeographieHandlungsempfehlungenKartierungMarketingkonzeptMuseenNatur- und GeoparkTourismusTouristenbefragungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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