Mehran TizkarDas Gesagte und das Ungesagte
Narrative Kommunikation durch die mediale Grenzüberschreitung
Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft, volume 38
Hamburg 2014, 324 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8165-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08165-0 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
"The said and the unsaid" should express the considerations of the author about the said and the unsaid in the contemporary literature and art and should illuminate the possibility of narrative communication through a unit of language/text/image. It is tried to find primarily an answer to the following questions:- Is there in the literature or art still something (new) to say?
- How can one determine the said and the unsaid in the literature or art?
- Can the said or the unsaid transmit the truth?
- What problems prevent the narrative communication through literature or art?
- Literature or art? / Text or image? / Writer or artist? What / which enables an unambiguous communication?
- Can the world / reality be understood without the aid of verbal language?
- Are literature or art necessary in the present?
Link des Autors
ÄsthetikEchoFriedrich NietzscheInterkulturalitätJorge Luis BorgesKommunikationKomparatistikKunstphilosophieLiteraturMedienwissenschaftMolavi RumiNarrative KommunikationPhilosophiePostmodernTransmedialWahrheitIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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Weiteres Buch des Autors
Es gibt nichts zu sagen – Kommunikationsstörung in der Kunst und Literatur seit der Moderne
Hamburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8300-9946-8 (Print) | ISBN 978-3-339-09946-4 (eBook)