Simone NeumannDie Domus Lagopesole
Ihre Baugeschichte von den Normannen über die Staufer zu den Anjou
EX ARCHITECTURA – Schriften zu Architektur, Städtebau und Baugeschichte, volume 14
Hamburg 2014, 528 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8152-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08152-0 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The Domus Lagopesole is a rectangular castle which has two courtyards of different sizes and is fortified with turrets. The castle rises up from a hill in the Basilikata close to Monte Vulture, which peaks up to almost 1000 m. Inside there is an unusually rich decoration of cornices adorned with figures, which is unique in its diversity when compared with secular buildings in the regional or chronological vicinity. From the distance, the Domus Lagopesole appears as a massive castle structure which seems to be all of one piece. Upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that the seemingly monolithic design is in fact a patchwork of masonry, doors and windows of very different ages. In most of the scientific literature the building is listed as a structure commissioned by Frederic II, but conclusive evidence for this is missing so far. In fact, this dating is based on three registry entries which have been taken as evidence for 1242 as the year in which construction started. However, present research demonstrates that this cannot be maintained. Although a donjon and a chapel are elements which are highly unusual for buildings commissioned by Frederic II, the Domus Lagopesole features both of them. Especially the absence of chapels in Frederic’s buildings is a topos which underlies many statements about Frederic II as a person. The donjon in the smaller courtyard does not correspond to his other building activities either. None of Frederic’s other buildings of the Castrum type, among which Lagopesole is counted due to its rectangular layout with fortifying turrets and courtyards, has a donjon. The present research approaches the desideratum for a reliable dating of the Domus Lagopesole predominantly on three avenues: evaluation of the architectural sculpture, research of written sources, and examination of the masonry. In addition, the research history regarding Domus Lagopesole is reviewed. The book also contains extensive previously unpublished photographic material of the architectural sculpture of Domus Lagopesole.Keywords
BasilikataBauforschungCastrumDomus LagopesoleFriedrich II.Friedrich II. von HohenstaufenItalienKaiser Heiliges Römisches ReichKarl I. von AnjouKönig SizilienKonsoleKunstgeschichteManfredNormannenStauferIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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